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Lifesaver / Buzzed Rather Than 'High'
Citation:   Curiosityexpert. "Lifesaver / Buzzed Rather Than 'High': An Experience with Kratom (exp115222)". Mar 6, 2021.

8 - 12 g oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
I have tried few substances in my life, kratom, weed, alcohol, shrooms, and oxys. This is by far the most worth it out of all of them, I have been taking kratom for around a year after knowing someone who always talked about it. I tried it at their house (super green malaysian) and hated it, tasted like death, and barely any effects if at all. I tried another strain later and it wasn't much better, then finally my friend called and said he found the one, white borneo. I tried it and loved it, still tasted like death, but it actually did something. Felt like a mild opiate, euphoric, fun, and it made me sociable, on top of making video games a lot more fun, it is perfect if for a mood boost.

It just took a little bit to find the strain for me, white borneo, my friend has tried over 10 strains and none of the others compare. It's also not too expensive either depending on the site I go to. I take it by 1 or 2 teaspoons, doesn't matter if their heaping or leveled, throw it in a cup with about enough hot water to down it in 1 sip, mix it around, dont breathe through my nose when downing it (so I don't taste it) and right after eating a starburst to kill the flavor of it, after that I feel uplifted and euphoric.

This substance doesn't really get me "high" but rather buzzed. So I do feel it. This isn't some middle aged mom essential oil or herb, it's the real deal.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 115222
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 6, 2021Views: 670
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