Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Calm and Relaxing Trip
4-PrO-DMT & Cannabis
Citation:   psychedelic dude. "Calm and Relaxing Trip: An Experience with 4-PrO-DMT & Cannabis (exp115276)". Mar 18, 2021.

T+ 0:00
30 mg oral 4-PrO-DMT (capsule)
  T+ 1:45 0.4 g smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 5:00 1 line insufflated Ketamine  
Previous experiences:
I’ve had a reasonable amount of experience with psychedelics beforehand, tens of LSD trips, one DMT breakthrough and some encounters with lesser RC psychedelics. I’ve only tried shrooms once and in a low dose, so I can’t really compare it to this.

The semester started a few weeks prior at my university, so I’m a little bit stressed from the amount of work. Recently, I’ve started delving into spirituality so my thoughts could have gone more into the mystical. There’s also the whole coronavirus event going on and my country has declared quarantine (with some exceptions like going to the nature). What might be good to mention is that I used amphetamine the day before so I had a mild headache during it. I’m not on any medication and am healthy, both mentally and physically.

I decided to go for a walk to the local vineyards, there are some grass patches so my intention was to chill there. Today it was 7°C and sunny. Some time later I promised to join a few friends in the forest.

I prepared a capsule. Weighed ~30mg of brown powder that was sold to me as 4-PrO-DMT and mixed it with lemon juice. This has probably played a role in limiting the nausea later.

The moment I left my house, I consumed the capsule, from now on I was on foot. I also started a voice recording which would help me with recalling the experience.

I feel lightness in my legs. That might have been unrelated retrospectively.

I’m starting to feel serene; I’m thinking about lying down and looking at clouds.

I noticed that grass around me is a bit “sharper looking” than before.

I’m feeling very calm, sun is shining at me, I feel my heart beating a bit faster than normal.

I start seeing some closed eye visuals which could be described as threshold DMT like.

I feel slight uncomfortableness in the stomach, like it is too acidic. It’s not too distracting, though.

The visuals are starting to be more prominent. I see a “net of beads that is centered at the place I’m looking at”, trees in the distance look “hairy”, as they do during LSD comeup.

I’m noticing the connection with shrooms, the calmness I get is similar to what I had at 1.5 dried grams.

I see slight discoloration in the bright white clouds – blue, red and yellow “points”. The whole visual part is very subtle, the calmness is much more prominent.

I get a little quieter, I’m considering increasing the dose next time. There are no thought loops like with other psychedelics.

I feel like laughing at everything. I notice that there is no feeling of “impending doom” like on LSD comeup. I can’t really tell what is going to follow. I also notice, that the open and closed eye visuals are very similar so if I took a larger dose, I might not know whether I have closed eyes or not.

I start yawning. I noticed an auditory hallucination that sounded like my voice echoed and it also sound a bit mechanic. I also feel like I could act completely normal if around people.

I noticed a slight “breathing” effect. I decide to take a walk as I’m getting cold. I’m thinking about doing this substance in the summer, when I can lie in the sun.

My breathing sounds robotic and I’m still yawning. Time starts getting distorted, but I don’t notice it at the time. I’m giggling to myself.

I’m back at the field I was at before, warm now. While I was walking, I was thinking about smoking weed when I get there. Seconds after lying down I get a particular vision that makes me laugh: a sunflower that is offering me a joint and a lighter in a suggestive manner. My mind is very clear and I’m curious as to how higher doses feel like. The visuals feel more natural than LSD.

A family walks by. I have some introspective thoughts about having a child, being a child and the connection to this mindset and tripping.

I notice the visuals subsiding. That’s very confusing because it feels like it only started.

I load up my pipe. I decide to go for a higher dose than usual, I want to intensify the effects quite a bit.

I feel more baked than tripping. I expected a bit stronger effect.

The effects take an unexpected turn, I’m starting to have interesting thoughts that can’t be described in words.

I’m communing with the weed I smoked, I feel like the person who grew it didn’t love the plant.

I’m tired and entering an even more calm, dreamy state.

I hear a sound that sounds like thunder, I’m convinced it’s a hallucination.

I look at the time and I’m very surprised, I feel like 4 hours have passed, but it’s only been 2. I have a transcendental thought about the fabric of time, but I forget it seconds after.

I get up, put some music on and start walking. I’m very high so it’s a bit hard. After a while I stop and look in the distance. I’m very captivated by the open eye visuals I’m getting. I feel like I’m disconnected a bit from the simulation and perceiving more dimensions than usual. Things look normal but different at the same time. There is some third person perception of reality.

I’m thinking about things that can’t be recorded in my memory, I remember them only while thinking about them, but once I stop, they’re gone. Somehow, thinking about thinking (metathinking?) is possible in parallel.

I’m in front of my friend’s house, I’m a bit confused and also paranoid, because we’re only allowed to be in the nature (because of covid).

We meet with the other two guys and embark on the route to the forest. I notify them that I’m tripping and try to explain what my experience is. They do not understand too much because they aren’t trippers.

They talk about stuff that does not interest me, but it’s fun to observe them. I’m also glad that we’re on the forest border.

This is where I stop the recording. The visuals are almost gone and I find it hard to be inside my head as the guys are talking.

We went to a place we built in the forest and they got drunk. I had one beer and after I was a bit less baked (1:30h later), I snorted a small line of ketamine. I have nothing interesting to add on this combo, I wanted just the euphoria from the low dose. The guys were really drunk and I found being around them uncomfortable. I left them after a while and listened to music on my way home.

Effects of 30mg 4-PrO-DMT were quite mild and relaxing for me.
Effects of 30mg 4-PrO-DMT were quite mild and relaxing for me.
They only started getting interesting after a considerable dose of weed, but with it came with paranoia and general confusion. I think it is appropriate to increase the dose to get more captivating effects without the negatives. It also might be good to leave the substance sit in lemon juice for a bit more than few minutes to decrease the comeup time.

The short duration was a bit unexpected, but it might be welcome as I found it easy to act normal around people (until I smoked weed). This could be neat to take at home, at least for me. Talking with people is nice if they’re sober or maybe tripping. I can say that being around drunk ones was not pleasant.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115276
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Mar 18, 2021Views: 2,014
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4-PrO-DMT (902) : Combinations (3), General (1), Various (28)

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