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Six Times With Different People
Citation:   Pappus. "Six Times With Different People: An Experience with 1cP-LSD (exp115381)". Apr 23, 2021.

100 ug oral 1cP-LSD (blotter / tab)
A Few Experiments with 1cP-LSD

I’ve came to report a few experiences I have had with 1cP-LSD, a rather new lysergamide, over the past year or so. In that time period, I have “researched” this chemical 6 times with different people. This report is a summary of those experiences and furthermore a testament to the safety and efficacy of this rather novel analogue.

On each occasion I and my tripmates have consumed 100ug blotters, although I do intend to up the dose next time. People (including myself) have had generally positive reactions to this dose. On some occasions, the drug did elicit strong emotional (cathartic) responses which are not necessarily a bad thing, just something to be aware of.

From my experiences, I would say this chemical is qualitatively indistinguishable from LSD-25 with a few subtle differences.

1) The onset time is super long. On average, it takes about 1hr to 1.5hr for the first effects to start appearing. Visuals may only begin at the 2hr mark.

2) The visuals are quite strong – possibly even stronger than LSD itself. These can sometimes be overpowering, but in most cases, are absolutely gorgeous fractal patterns which engulf the field of vision.

3) The peak is extremely euphoric, which is probably my favorite part of the chemical. It can elicit an almost manic state where everything is hilarious and even the simplest things (like biting into an apple) elicit pure bliss.

Physically, it is one of the most invigorating chemicals (almost has stimulant-like properties). I’ll hike up hills feeling as light as a feather and only really feel the burn the next day. I and the people I’ve tripped with have never once reported nausea or stomach pain during tripping – in fact, I usually eat while tripping, and food tastes absurdly good. Big win over tryptamines in this category.

The last thing I’ll add is that delusions of sobriety are very common, as with LSD-25. Hundreds (literally hundreds!) of times during a trip I’ll think to myself “oh I’m coming down” or “this is wearing off” and I’ll actually be deep within the peak. This occurs with others. We usually just laugh it off (since it’s pretty funny) but I’ve had people kind of freak out because of this effect.

Overall, 1cP-LSD is a physically safe chemical with similar properties to LSD at equal or possibly greater strength.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 115381
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Apr 23, 2021Views: 2,434
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