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Pregab Productivity
Citation:   DiggerG86. "Pregab Productivity: An Experience with Pregabalin (exp115400)". May 12, 2021.

T+ 0:00
1200 mg insufflated Pharms - Pregabalin
  T+ 1:00 900 mg sublingual Pharms - Pregabalin
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
I have been prescribed pregablin for nearly 2 years now for generalised anxiety disorder. My prescribed does is 150mg twice a day. My preferred does is around 1200mg usually insufflating it for some reason?

So today I try something a little different and likely risky. I snorted my usual 1200mg and shortly after decided to open up another 6 caps and empty them under my tongue. The results are as follows.

12 noon - snorted 1200mg whilst messing about on the internet. My mood at the time was below normal but not nearing crisis or intervention.

1300 (1hr) - Starting to feel a slight buzz now and have turned music to very loud. It feels satisfying and comforting to Hear loud music. Decided to empty 900mg of the caps powder under my tongue (not for any particular reason, just to experiment).

1330 (1.30 mins) Now feeling very interested in menial things, I'm reading Wikipedia pages about Shackleton and the History of the Moog synthesiser, flipping from one thing to another extremely quickly everything is so interesting. Music is still on and I have set up my rec1ording equipment as I have the urge to sing. My body feels kinda tingly and I feel the need to talk to someone. Ended up booking an isolation tank on a lyrica whim. No sign of any nausea or any other negative physical sensations. I am having some trouble typing however.#

1430 (2.30 hours) WOAH! This feels a bit like amphetamines now, I'm getting sucked into every thing I look at. Cleaning the hell out of my studio one second then noticing fluff on my stair case so I swept the hole lot and then mopped it, I'm doing everything really quickly but making lots of mistakes
I'm doing everything really quickly but making lots of mistakes
, dropping things mainly and forgetting what I am doing. EVERYTHING is is absolutely fascinating to me. I start recording a song at this point. I feel like I am unbeatable at this point but I am also thinking a lot about out how my actions affect others which is more of a revelation than an upsetting thought. I dunno.

1530 (3.30 hour) Euphoria is wearing off, I'm very clumsy and typing this is really difficult. I seem to have lost my ability to spell and do calculations. Sudden depression has come on, which in my experience, seemed unusual. Still feel energetic and the urge to do something. My mind is racing about all of the things I can do. I've gone back to making music, flipping from one song to the other. Don't really want to stand up. Very thirsty!!

1600 (4hrs) Feel pretty drunk, but quite content. I walked my dog round the block just to see how the fresh air would hit Trees seem to be much bigger than I remember, I stood looking at a massive one, just thinking about what it has seen over the years.

The thing about pregabs is the high lasts ages, it changes in feeling as the hours pass. Personally, I lead a pretty sedentary life so the longer the high the better. I'm smoking tons of cigarettes also. Still extremely thirsty!

1730 (5hrs) mostly worn off now, just feel kinda stoned. Still clumsy and very unfocused.

1830 (6hrs) Feeling a bit sleepy and hungry, gonna make a curry and crack on with my day.


All in all I've had a great afternoon, having been very proactive and hyper lol.

Physically - all pain totally gone from my back, very comfortable feeling in my legs and my eyes are heavy. I have been very clumsy dropping things having a hard time typing. Kinda just like being drunk without the total loss of inhibition. I was extremely thirsty.

Psychologically - The intense feeling of content and appreciation for literally everything. Anxiety disappeared. I felt the need to talk to people and connect with old pals which I ended up doing for the first time in 3 years.

Its a great drug to get "high" off in my opinion. Last for ages and I could still function, albeit making mistakes. But the best part is getting to talk to people, bringing me out of shell, like I say a bit like alcohol and good few rips off a bong


Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115400
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: May 12, 2021Views: 792
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Pharms - Pregabalin (418) : Alone (16), Medical Use (47)

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