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Flood Dosed to Flourish
LSD & Cannabis ('D8-THC distillate')
Citation:   4350ug. "Flood Dosed to Flourish: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis ('D8-THC distillate') (exp115405)". Jun 7, 2021.

T+ 0:00
15 hits   LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 24:00 38.5 hits   LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00   oral Cannabis (extract)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis (extract)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
I had 38 and half tabs of acid over the course of 4/20 - having done 15 tabs for bike day I figured hey why not! Just gotta say that we all have the spark of The Monad, The Source, God, Allah or whatever you like to call it inside us, and for the atheist, well you have it too with your intellect, a gift form above or your genes. I've admitted my darkest sins to my closet friends and feel liberated, and for the friends I wronged I'm already actively helping to fix the problem. I feel so connected to everything and everyone, well because we are - like a webbing of all our memories connecting together into some collective Akashic record. We can access this at anytime, through meditation, prayer, and yoga or psychedelics!

I want to preface this by saying I've started taking psychedelics at 16 after discovering cannabis, and found out about Morning Glory Seeds, and oh man did I have fun with those. I soon moved on to DXM and sadly fell in love with it. While some mock it for being a "teenagers drug" I find it to be a very, very powerful psychedelic dissociative, and yes I say psychedelic and dissociative. Having over 100+ experiences over the course of 8 months, some beautiful and a lot horrifying. Leading me to a really dark place, and really destroying my mental faculties - especially thanks to the heavy drinking involved towards the end of the DXM daze.

I stopped in August of 2017, and experienced hell for months after, but things got better and better with exercise, a good diet, nutrition and some friends, even though I was barely able to speak correctly for months after. But by May of 2018, I had obtained some Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark and Syrian Rue, but it had been sitting around for awhile because I was afraid for whatever reason. But after a night of heavy drinking I decided to make a strong brew and flood dosed my self, I was 18 at the time. I went on to experience high doses of Mescaline a few tim1s between 18 and 20 and finally quit for a couple years, and here I am now 22.

I have recently had experiences with 80 grams of mushrooms throughout the summer of 2020 and quit again for a few months after a bad break up. I happened to get my hands on a gram of some great white powder DMT in 2021 and blasted off a couple of times, and also decided to snort it as I knew it was synthesized in a lab, so I figured it must be more pure than what's extracted by ourselves? Heh, who knows but obviously I like to live a little bit on the edge of humanity, but I sound stupid saying that, oh well - the gram didn't last long with me.


I've been living pretty shitty for awhile with a lot of my life decisions weighing on me, and I had recently gotten half a sheet of quality onion tested LSD-25 and tripped on a couple and a few tabs here and there, but was still feeling pretty damn shitty wonderful, each note created and CEV that faded away as the next note came to replace it in the chaos. I had a hot chocolate with 1000mg of D8-THC ready to drink, and slammed it at this point.

I had your usual acid visuals but they we're super enhanced, and I was losing a bit of grip of reality. I decided to start talking to my schizophrenic friend on discord voice chat to the best of my abilities, and everything he was saying just made total sense to me, and everything I said to him made total sense to him, there was synchronicity between my background music's lyrics and what he said while talking, and saying exactly what the singer just said. For a couple hours he and I just talked and felt a deep bond, a bond I still feeling heavily while writing this.

After our conversation I decided to confront some demons, and contacted an old friend I had wronged, telling him what I had done and what I was on. Apologizing with my heart and soul, and offering to make it right and he forgave me. That was one of the worst things I've done, and it'd eat me up all the time and to finally be able to make it right is so freeing. By now it's 3am and I've just smoked a bowl of cannabis with a bit of D8-THC distillate sandwiched in the bowl and it kick started things even more to my liking.

I decided to just lay in bed and listen to music and think about my life, and all the people I've hurt and all the wrongs I've done, just everything... All my traumas, all my fears, today at 11:20pm as I write this, I still feel it heavily, though I just smoked some d8-THC and an American Spirit cigarette. But life is going to be alright, I'm young and have so much ahead of me. I don't know what else to write, wish I could tell you all about some crazy visuals or something, but that's not my story to tell.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115405
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jun 7, 2021Views: 518
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LSD (2) : Unknown Context (20), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3)

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