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Hathini Kund
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   VISHU. "Hathini Kund: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp115438)". May 20, 2021.

  repeated smoked Cannabis
  400 ug oral LSD
Hathini kund is actually a lesser known trekking point near the Nahargarh Fort, Jaipur, India. I'll be more descriptive about the place as it is necessary to be descriptive when explaining psychoactive substances such as LSD.

Hathini kund is actually a water fall during Rainy seasons and a stagnant water reserve in other seasons. You reach there by defeating 3 valleys and for directions there are red scarfs are tied on the tree branches. Hathini kund was a place where king used to hide his weapons (as it was near Nahargarh fort) and there was Shiv temple which is still present with sage of the family that served the king. Now The entire jungle area around the Nahargarh fort is the part of the Jhalana Leopard Reserve which means 3 Leopard families and a Tiger family can be easily sighted at Hathini kund because it was a water reserve. I had to be descriptive with the situation because these information had impacted my Trip greatly. Also it was my first time to Hathini kund and my first Deep Jungle experience. I was there because my friend had invited me for the new Gamma Goblin tabs he got.

So Due to some personal problems we reached Charan Mandir (from where the hathini kund trek starts) a little late than we expected. We parked our bikes and dropped the acid, the trek was not long it was around 45 mins to reach Hathini kund from Charan Mandir. (Temple) We expected to be there at 1 pm afternoon but actually got there by 4pm. Let me explain our group, I'm Vishu being there first with my best friend AD and two of his college friends Chomu and Manthan making us a team of 4 stoners. We actually smoked 3 joints on our way to charan mandir and before our acid kicked. Once we got there we washed ourselves, pay my respects to Mahadev and again to smoking weed in a chillum with the sage there. Chomu knew the place very well. To be honest He was the one who introduced Hathini kund to the friend circle but he was not too good with acid.

Our acid was making us shiver now and after those chillum hits it all started melting. Hathini kund is a beautiful place surrounded by deep valleys and the time of sunset, places which are lesser known by humans are silecnt and peaceful. Sage also served us some lemon tea. I cannot Dive into all details but it was one of the best feelings I've ever had. Everything was going fine and then the sage asked if we were staying for the night, at which we refused because we had Judo (AD's doggo) waiting for us to feed him. Sage then asked us to leave before dark and told us that he spotted one of those leopard early in the morning and since its gonna be summer soon, they'll come to the kund often for the water. To which Chomu, Manthan and AD shared their past experiences when they spotted a leopard too.

Anyways we still had our bag of weed and we continued smoking about 4 or more joints out of it listening to pink floyd on they upper valley till it got dark and our peak has merely started. We decided to trek back (at 6pm) to charan mandir in the dark.

On our way back I had my one of the strongest bad trips ever. So as we started in moving, due to dark and to be conscious enough to walk we all were not talking at all. All three of them knew the place very well and got a little ahead of me. Now LSD also have symptoms like constant fear and paranoia. Since I was the last of us four people I could hear some footsteps behind me and due to the peak stage, my thoughts started escalating quickly. Many concepts started overlapping each other. I Asked myself why are we walking so fast? Why do I hear footsteps in the back? Is there someone walking behind me? I'm also walking last, since I'm here first time I can be lost. And suddenly I was reminded by those discussions about the leopard and how I could get lost and can be devoured by the leopard. Now this thought was impossible for me to get out of my mind. I was having an adrenaline rush and was taking deep breaths. I asked my friend to walk with me to which he said he could too hear the footsteps behind. You can Actually think or feel someone's thoughts on acid. Believe it or not I experienced that on that day. LSD also magnified my thoughts and I was unable to think anything else than there can be a leopard walking right behind us.

I was not the only one having a bad trip there. Chomu who was in the front was actually making thought loops that as we are trekking we are getting back to the same spot we had started. So now when Chomu has walked 20 steps and he looked at us confused and saying that we have come to this place. Seeing Chomu getting confused actually helped me coming back to my senses. Now Chomu was making many loops on the way you could say, was turning at every twenty steps and was looking back at us saying we're stuck. Chomu started crying. We tried to gain his senses and asked him to keep walking. Chomu was so messed up in his head that he could not even pay attention to the bigger landmarks. For like there was a well in our path to which we reminded Chomu that we're walking on the right and this is not a loop but still after some steps Chomu had completely forgotten about the well (landmark) and was caught up in a loop. Walking restlessly I was literally praying to get out of there. At last we got out at Charan mandir, hydrated ourselves and were getting back to our senses. I checked the time it was 6:36 pm only half an hour had passed but it felt like I was there for like a whole night. All of us were safe and now laughing at our experience but Chomu was still quiet and confused.  He said he was very threatened by the fact that he was caught in a loop at a place where big cats roam freely. He didn't even ride his bike. We had to call an Uber for him.

Overall Hathini kund Experience was very bizarre for me. Even though it scared the shit out of me, It is still one of my dearest trips.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115438
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: May 20, 2021Views: 547
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LSD (2) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Difficult Experiences (5), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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