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Consciousness The One And Only Reality
Citation:   McKhan. "Consciousness The One And Only Reality: An Experience with DXM (exp115452)". Jun 5, 2021.

T+ 0:00
225 mg oral DXM (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:30 255 mg oral DXM (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 285 mg oral DXM (pill / tablet)
Been having to stay home for weeks it's the period of the Covid-19 pandemic and becoming more irritated with my wife of 4 years, known each other for ten years.

This morning before my wife left for work, I was dressing up our 6 month old daughter, when she made a remark about the nasal drops should be dropped once not more, with her face like you don't even know how to do it. I just flared up and let her have it, "take your bullshit and fuck off to work" and then a tirade of about five mins. My 6 month old daughter who had poo'd earlier and was happy to now be clean stopped and was staring at me. I said to the baby, "why are you looking at me?"

So, I had asked my wife to buy me some off counter Dextrometorphan Hydrobromide the previous day, she got about 50 tablets, 750 mg total. However reading the package I think its 5mg DXM per each 15mg tablet, meaning all the DXM will total 250 Mg max. I planned to use it to understand why I am here, how did I get here and what am I still doing here? Questions mostly about my marriage and this planet reality as a whole.

After the morning argument, I asked her to go spend the weekend with her parents, which she refused, but as I was still angry and swearing a lot (which I normally never do) I think she got the cue and decided to go with our daughter in the evening to return on Sunday.

So having stayed hungry all day, I had some snacks around 4pm. She left around 5pm. I meditated for about 10 mins. Split the 50 tablets into A. 15 tabs, B. 17 tabs, C. 19 tabs (1 extra tablet)

Time 0:00 (6:45pm) Took A and set the alarm to ring 30 mins later. I sat down to meditate.
Time 0:30 Took B and set the alarm to ring 30 mins later. Again sat to meditate.
Time 1:00 took C. This time I put on the music playlist for the trip, 111hz the holy frequency, 777hz deep relaxation, 111hz regenerative spiritual reset, Sea of Samsara. 4 songs from the MettaVerse YouTube.

With my sleep mask on, earphones playing music, I lay on the sofa to contemplate, as per the time I kept wondering maybe its not working or what's happening? The first feeling I had something was happening was a buzz like when beer starts to hit me. Then I was getting itchy despite the air-conditioning, then super itchy, back, tummy, hands, rolling left and right.

I meditate daily and have done so for about 5 years. I usually reach the total body dissolution level. Before today I did Psilocybin just once, 5½ years ago, but I have read lots of trip reports. Let's say I have done considerable consciousness work.

Time 2:00
Itching and rolling like a crazy person, an inner voice said I AM the Universe. Immediately I took my pillow and blanket and staggered out of the sofa, muttering something out loud "when the Universe is dealing with you, you dare not complain" motor functions were like dead drunk level now, "that tough guy there is still itching like a crazy person" talking in the third person, as my mind was beginning to be dissociated from little me. I staggered to the bed as was intuitively told, where I felt I will have more space for a proper disciplining.

The image I got was that of a huge version of myself, I saw just the fingers and hand in open black space, moving my two fingers (like a Jedi) to and fro, over my small human body causing it to itch, wriggle and turn like in exorcism, but on the inside the image was the extrusion of a molten red hot rod of iron, the iron was like liquid goo being stretched and reconfigured in some kind of huge foundry.

The itching stopped, now all I was seeing was extrusion processes, like thick paint or molten something, flowing all around a huge sea of it. Reddish orange molten lava/molten metal color. It was flowing here and there, and I seemed to have a keyhole view. I understand this keyhole view to be me reverse peering into my third eye.

In the foundry, it was moulding random things like plasticine, rocks, ice, planets, matter of various kinds, like a quarry from above, then it would zoom back to the closeup molten lava/metal foundry view. Stirring and stirring the reddish orange (with streaks of green and blue and other colours) molten soup.

Then the voice came back, it said my wife's name. She appeared from the molten soup a cast, a huge cast, solar system high. It said my baby's name, she too appeared as more or less moulded potters clay lying down on a work bench. Then the voice said "wife's name, my eternal anchor" a huge anchor formed and appeared in the space and started going down into the molten sea.

Voice said "baby's name, my seed" and the clay doll on the work bench was kicking and smiling (as she does).

Then they both were engraved in a huge marble wall, like a royal insignia. Voice said now with total majesty from the stars, "wife's name my eternal anchor, baby's name my seed, they can do no wrong. THEY CAN DO NO WRONG".

Then I said, what about her sibling? (NB: The previous day I had told my wife to ask the embryo bank not to save those stored anymore, that there was no need.) The voice then said, Baby brother beloved. And immediately in the marble wall insignia of mother carrying a baby there was now a baby brother included. Then the King joined. Like a royal family insignia in a marble wall the size of the solar system displaying a King, a Queen, a toddler Princess and her baby brother.

Then the voice said, "wife's name my eternal anchor, daughter's name of my seed, baby brother beloved a family eternally happy" the Insignia was set now in stone.

It occurred to little observing me, that this majestic voice I AM.

Then I asked what about the house? And the molten foundry immediately came back and started some kind of 3D printing process, done. My vision board home and car was printed.

Then I asked what about money and my business, the voice said something like "you can have it" immediately it switched to the molten foundry again. 3D printing out a brick and mortar factory from my vision board. And I saw a screen of pay cheques for my online business, also from my vision board.

Then it was back to the foundry view moulding random things. Me peering through this keyhole view. I was on a tour of the entire foundry. The voice was back, it was now Terra forming the molten 'lava' moving mountain sized shafts up and then down, mixing here and pulling there, like Terra forming my consciousness. I was just observing from my keyhole third eye, sleep mask on and meditation music in the ears. Every now and then I would attempt to move my hand or leg, because I had zero I mean ZERO body awareness through out this keyhole view. To my surprise I could still move my body, although it was like my body was made of paper.

After the Terra forming was done. The voice which sounded Majestic, like a disciplinarian King Dad said again, "wife's name my eternal anchor, daughter's name of my seed, baby brother beloved a family eternally happy".

Then the voice was gone.

Time 4:00
From this point I was taken on a tour of the Earth, the Solar system or the Universe and possibly the multiverse. I don't know, I didn't resist or think, I just submitted to the experience like a good baby after the majestic voice had schooled me and dressed me down. However, my view was from a keyhole, inner third eye for sure, cos I was moving my body to see if I was sleeping or dreaming. I was fully awake.

Here on the Earth, I am certain the first tour was through the process of manufacture of the tablets I took. I viewed from being the chemical, to the extraction to the processing, to the pharmaceutical line, even to being in a see-through tablet package, even in the malls. Interestingly it then jumped to another processing line, in China somewhere, the final product being a baby doll. I was stuck viewing from inside the baby doll on a shelf somewhere. Then to a fish that was caught and laying in a pile, watching the fishermen go to and fro, looked like Japan. I realised that if I stayed in observer mode, it just took me on a rail tour, then stop somewhere it finds interesting. Example, like the doll on the shelf was for a while, little girls and shop attendants coming to pick me up and look at me, so I used my will to imagine something else, then the tour will keep moving. This was how it then took me to mining operations out in space, one was a grey looking planet maybe our moon, another was a red looking planet maybe Mars. I passed them from above, like a drone. It came low enough several times for me to see that this was human activities and the sky was pitch black so no or little atmosphere.

It's interesting, that these are questions on the back of my mind somewhere.

Then we were in some other not properly yet formed Universe, like I was being shown how the Universes are created. Through canyons and caves, Terra forming stars and then destroying. I asked a question, where did I come from to Earth?

Then a strange world appeared, not like this Earth, a bit alien. It was moving around the planet surface randomly, like just take a look, then that disappeared. We even went into a reality that I am pretty sure is a videogame, its graphics were like current videogames, like cell shaded CGI. I intuitively understood that even in the creations of individual consciousness entities aka humans, consciousness still gets to experience itself inside our own creations. WOW!

Finally, we were back to the foundry. All the Terra forming set and done, just observing the now solid rock like structures. I understand now that this foundry is my own mind. I felt my tour guide was an excited little child who totally understood how to make molten clay in the foundry into wonderful structures, like a toddler Minecraft expert showing off all it's magnificent creations.

I didn't know what else to do so I tried on one of my favorite Bob Proctor affirmations "I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis". Immediately the rock we were looking at started vibrating and vibrating, and then collapsed into molten gooey again and it was back to the extrusion river. I felt my invisible tour guide facepalm, then I said in my little inner voice to my tour guide, I get it! I get it!! thought is a very low level vibration so it can't terraform like that, I need to be at the level of being. I think this is a consciousness term for a more powerful kind of mind stuff that can Terra form consciousness, like the Majestic voice was doing so easily.

Time 6:00
I was beginning to come down now, and could feel myself in the body more. But I still had my keyhole view, so I got up to go pee. Oh boy, negative motor functions now, I returned and changed the music to the God frequency part 1 from infinite cup's YouTube, in the come down I wanted to be more meditative. I just kept saying thank you, thank you, thank you that I am loved enough to be disciplined and taught, and I sucked it all up like a good school boy.

I went to sleep at Time 8:00
Woke up at time 10:00 most motor functions back, past 4 am. I went to hang the laundry, and contemplated that I have compassion now for the Earth sleepers, the giggling masses, the zombie slaves, tormented by their own minds in their own reality construct. They just cannot handle the responsibility of the Truth that consciousness is the one and only reality, they just can't, they just can't I kept saying in deep compassion.

I tried to sleep but had a splitting headache in my left hemisphere behind the eye, I drank a lot of water resisting the urge to take a paracetamol. Couldn't sleep so decided to write.

Time 12:00 daylight, I finished writing. Headache gone, motor functions back, the experience is seeming like a dream now, alas I was forced to write it down.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115452
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Jun 5, 2021Views: 949
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DXM (22), Meditation (128) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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