Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Scary Come Up, Intense Downs, Weird Roll
by KN
Citation:   KN. "Scary Come Up, Intense Downs, Weird Roll: An Experience with MDMA (exp115493)". Jun 10, 2021.

80 - 120 mg oral MDMA (capsule)
Had 5 Molly caps and I took one around 11:40pm, and was waiting for the come up for probably an hour— was in my car having some smokes listening to music, but I was borderline nodding off about 30 min in getting very very tired, thinking wtf is this? Laughing thinking “trash, I got duped into thinking I was gonna roll.”

Still in my car, literally around the corner from my house around 12:40am I was like “forget this, I’m going home” I get out of my car and flicked my cigarette, and it hit me— as I stood up... A CRAZY wave of fear just hit me... I felt like I was legit having a panic/anxiety attack... my heart felt like it dropped to my knees, beating out of my chest at the same time, my face getting hot and tingly due to the fear that I was about to die... so weird.. I was saying out loud “wow this is not cool, this is not cool” because I thought I had some deadly stuff — keep in mind this is the first time I’ve rolled in 8-10 years I’d say... and I was an experienced roller, rolled A LOT back then... it’s just been dry ever since high school — never powder, only got pressed poke balls or double stacked pills back then, we didn’t GAF to test them, we would always roll hard off of them...

Anyways, I got in the car and drove home slowly, I was literally about to go and tell my big brother to take me to the hospital, but the crazy anxiety attack leveled out by the time I reached my brother. Before I went in the house I had to call my buddy and make sure he was okay because he had popped one before me and abandoned ship to his house so I had to check up — 12:50 I had reached my bro and I had started rolling hard and talking to my brother about the experience I had just went through... by about 1:30am I’m full fledged rolling, but with some weird feelings that I have never gotten when rolling back in the day....

I remember feeling 100% great and euphoric and like nothing could get me down when I took pressies, but on these I would feel like that for 5 minutes, then for about 10-15 minutes I would be having horrible thoughts thinking the worst things ever, and the thoughts were intensified. It felt like my heart was literally breaking, then back to having a good roll. After the peak where I was having ups and downs, I felt a little better when the roll had set in a little less... calling my friend, wanting to hang out, put on some music etc. — but the panicky come up, and the ups/downs I felt during the peak of the roll was weird... I’ve never had MDMA powder, just pressies and had always felt amazing, but who knows. My mind state has definitely changed from when I was 18, as I’m more aware and stressed about life, but again, wasn’t expecting that.

Another weird thing... I recently bought a reagent testing kit (for obvious reasons), and took a bit of 1 of the 4 capsules I have left to test— It passed all 3 tests as MDMA. The Marquis went from purp to black, Mecke flashed green the instant it hit, and went dark/black, and Simons bright blue— test perfectly as MDMA ... weird or what?

I have 4 of these things left and I’m hesitant in wtf to do with them because I was rolling, but weird asf experience, I’m thinking of weighing about a quarter or half the amount and taking it. The pill I took, weighed while inside of the gel cap I think was .18 g’s. The gel caps weigh between .06-.10 g’s by themselves, so I could’ve dosed roughly between 80-120 MG’s on a completely empty stomach, maybe more...

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 115493
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Jun 10, 2021Views: 489
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MDMA (3) : Alone (16), Difficult Experiences (5)

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