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2-FDCK Analysis
Citation:   xblackwoodx. "2-FDCK Analysis: An Experience with 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine (exp115497)". Jun 19, 2021.

T+ 0:00
25 mg sublingual 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine
  T+ 0:30 25 mg oral 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine
Time provided below is MM and then becomes HMM after first 60 minutes.

Sublingual 25mg for T0-3. Started to burn slightly. Drank water to flush it down.

T15 anxiolytic properties emerged. Calming waves with mild to moderate happiness. Very slight visual rippling.

T22 body pains receded. Time passing by faster.

T30 slight nausea. Swallowed additional 25mg with water.

T55 felt present in the moment.

T104 feel blunted similar to benzodiazepines without the euphoria of them. Realized time distortion. Last 34 minutes felt similar to 15-20 minutes.

T112 peak appears to be wearing off.
T113 I can select my emotional pathway. Ruminating thoughts are eroded. I am able to select to enjoy the moment.

T114 self realizations setting in. Realizing that the peak has hit in terms of calming while a new peak of analyzing life is taking hold. The mind’ eye opens up. Cannabinoid-like thinking minus any paranoia or any other negative effects.

T117 want to just relax

T119 As I listen to people talking, I start to relate past experiences and emotions to the words. The meaningfulness of words becomes more apparent. I can visualize numbers when thinking about them. Linguistic processing skills appear enhanced.

T121 I listen to music. I can hear a wider range of vocals. I can make out how musical artists sing notes in between notes as they slide their voice whilst singing. Colours are more vibrant.

T125 I feel emotionally refreshed.
T127 Intense craving for food.
T129 I can read body language easily.
T130 I feel I have a clear emotional lens with which to view the world without my own worries overpowering being objective.

T141 I feel like I have been through 20-30 years of therapy.

T146 I felt a bit low emotionally for a moment, realizing that I was simply not breathing enough.

T148 fleeting slight nausea. My body connects to upbeat music.

T150 I want to relax and enjoy the moment. Face feels slightly numb, similar to marijuana.

T152 Muscles feel happy. The tingling resides more on my right side of the body.

T210 I feel I could fall asleep.

T216 I am closer back to reality. Cannabinoid-like feeling has passed. Feeling calm similar to antihistamine.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115497
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 45
Published: Jun 19, 2021Views: 3,235
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2-Fluorodeschloroketamine (778) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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