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Not What I Expected
DXM with Guafenesin, Alcohol & Cannabis
Citation:   Diablos. "Not What I Expected: An Experience with DXM with Guafenesin, Alcohol & Cannabis (exp115514)". Jul 31, 2023.

T+ 0:00
3 oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 0:00 7.5 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 1:00 7.5 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 0:00 Many joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (flowers)
This is my first time using DXM, I have taken mushrooms, LSD, MDMA, Ketamine, Cocaine, Salvia and a little bit of 2-CB combined with MDMA one time. Not to mention tons of cannabis use. So, I am used to the feeling of being high on drugs. But let me tell you this! I was not expecting that.

Twas’ a nice Saturday afternoon, I thought about doing some DXM last Sunday, but I didn’t do it because I had work the next day. Today was going to be the day! I did some research and decided to stick with the cough control liquid, it came in a 100ml bottle. Active ingredients included: 15mg of DXM and 100mg of guaifenesin.

6:30PM – Ate dinner at 6:00PM, I emptied half the bottle (150mg of DXM) into a wine glass and mixed it with grape juice (better than drinking in on its own in my opinion) drank the small glass in about 4 sips. At the time I had consumed 3 beers (pretty light for me), 300mg Caffeine at 9:00am and 300mg Caffeine at 12:30. And a few joints, I will not keep track of how many joints I smoke because my tolerance is very high but I will track what effects I do noticed from it.

7:30PM – As I expected, not much was happening besides a slight feeling coming up on something. I realized that my stomach wasn’t super upset so I felt comfortable with taking the other half.

8:00PM – I don’t know what changed within those 30 minutes but holy god I felt it right at that moment. Looking around felt very strange, like I felt very sluggish, and it took a full 3 seconds before I could move my head to look around. I had random outbursts of laughter which made me feel very euphoric and happy. My mind was racing around with thoughts yet I couldn’t follow a single train of thought. My stomach was upset because of the guaifenesin but I knew I was not going to puke. I thought right away, “this is definitely the first dose kicking in, what will happen when the second dose kicks in!” I tried to calm my self down by smoking a joint which really helped with the nausea! It made me go from feeling uncomfortable and high to very comfortable and high.

8:30PM - At this point time was going by incredibly slow. I felt as though I was riding the peak, visuals were becoming more pronounced, and the body high was pretty intense. The body high was a little overwhelming. The walls and any textured pattern looked fuzzy, the lights on in my house looked very shiny and bright. There was no fractal, geometrical patterns with this trip as there are with mushrooms and acid. I had a strong urge to close my eyes and keep them closed as well. I had closed eye visuals as well, but they were super hard to try and articulate.

I feel as though if I had to act sober, or just drunk without any drug use; I could not do that! My stance and the way I moved my body was very slow and sluggish. Too slow and sluggish to be wasted. I also had incoherent speech, my words slurred a bit and I had uncontrollable short bursts of laughter or pure grinning. I would look obviously high on some kind of drug to someone who wasn’t high on anything.

9:00PM – I took a shower. It felt like it took me about 15 minutes to gather all my items to take to the shower including my disoriented self. It was at this point as well that I felt the weird “robo walk”. Similar to walking while being high on K but almost a little easier. The warm water felt amazing and it made me feel drowsy which just made me feel more high. I turned down the water a bit and that helped, I closed my eyes because it felt nice as well.

9:30PM – What I really didn’t think I would expect is how it made me a little horny. It made an appearance and I would get all tingly, and then it would go away. But it kept on happening. Another important note was how sharp I felt for being on a dissociative. I felt that I was experiencing the psychedelic side to DXM, and I liked it a lot more compared to Ketamine. With Ketamine I feel very overwhelmed and have a hard time standing up. While I was peaking, I jumped up and walked around the corner very fast and I thought to myself “interesting, I can walk pretty good while being ripped on this stuff”.

10:00PM – This was the time when I was smoking my joint after my experimentation. I still noticed that time itself was going by so slow! I still felt super high, trying to convince myself I was coming down but nope! I felt super chill at this point, small visuals going all over the place, stomach was still a little upset. It felt really amazing to close my eyes and feel the rhythm of my breathing.
I felt super chill at this point, small visuals going all over the place, stomach was still a little upset. It felt really amazing to close my eyes and feel the rhythm of my breathing.
The same thing happens to me on mushrooms and acid but not so much on ketamine. So that must be the psyche side of the DXM talking. It felt like I reached a new level of high by just closing my eyes, listening to the music while smoking my joint.

10:30PM – I realized that I have been drinking a lot of water as if I were high on MDMA. I remember having this feeling of not knowing what to do with myself. Listening to music, smoking joints and enjoying my high self was about the only thing I could do. Right around this time I watched a video on how to remove the original radio from a 1999 honda civic because I need to do it. I found the video interesting to watch while being high and I still remember parts of the video which means I was actually paying attention, kind of interesting.

11:00PM – Such an empty feeling in my stomach. It basically feels like I'm really hungry except I know I'm not. I tried to eat some chips and they were good, but I could only eat a few. I don’t feel sick enough to get sick, just sick enough for it to pop up once in a while and then go away. I’m starting to have less visuals but the mind high was just as high I would say. The body high was fading too.

11:30PM – I haven’t really done much. I think I will smoke another joint to bring in the night. I really didn’t feel that high from the joints but the doobies helped with the nausea I guess and they tasted awesome.

12:00AM – This is the point where I really did feel like I was coming down. The visuals were basically nothing, the mental high was very small and the body high was considerably less so comparing it to when I was on the peak. I still had a weird walk I could tell, I think I was moving slower than normal. I decided to go to bed and end this night and the trip. I didn’t feel that tired but I did smoke a fat joint right before and that one got me a little sleepy so I thought I was going to go to sleep. Good trip and time well spent!

1:30AM – I thought I was going to sleep. I didn’t realize that DXM would my sleep and I should’ve taken it earlier because holy f**k this sucks. I smoked two fat joints back to back listening to sleepy jazz to try make myself feel tired.

2:30AM – This was the time I was done my last joint and I truly felt tired so I finally got back to sleep. I probably fell asleep within 20mins.

Conclusion: More enjoyable than not in my opinion. I thought the stomach ache was going to be worst, still bad but I didn’t puke. I would also take it earlier to avoid losing a good night sleep. It also screwed up my appetite for the next day. My mind was incredibly clear the next day which was odd, I was super happy and laughing at random stuff, which is not common for me. I think that was the psychedelic side of the DXM leeching out its after effects.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115514
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jul 31, 2023Views: 270
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