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Love, Honor, and Friendship
Cocaine & Wine
Citation:   Dr. Plastic. "Love, Honor, and Friendship: An Experience with Cocaine & Wine (exp115522)". Sep 28, 2023.

multiple lines insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
  Several glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
This story was from my last semester of high school, in early May 2012. I was at a point in my life where I would take any drug I was offered, I just wanted to have fun and party. My main source was my brother, who would from time to time get cocaine. When I was assigned a video project for precalculus and my brother offered to help, we decided to involve cocaine in the video’s production, with the thinking that it’ll help with brainstorming, script writing, and of course, acting.

So, it was the night before the precalculus video was due, and I didn’t even have an idea for my video yet. My brother and I each did a line of coke and brainstormed. I remember we came up with some idea about me being a strict math teacher and my brother playing this lazy cocky student. It sounded like it would work at the time. Alright let’s get the camera rolling and shoot this thing. Another line of coke first. Okay, the first scene is me beginning class. Now get a shot of my brother’s character insulting me, the strict teacher. Okay, what do we need next, me saying “Was?”, German for “What?”. My brother said the first take wasn’t loud enough. “You really need to scream it.” So, take two, I screamed “WAS!!?”. We watched it and decided it was also no good. Take three, wait a minute before take three, let’s split this line of coke. Okay, take three, “WAAAAASSS?!” It was also awful. Around this time, we took a break. It was, I’d say, about 8 pm. We went up in the kitchen and each drank a couple glasses of wine.

Our aunt was over around this time and wanted to watch the filming process. We were both sweaty and twitchy by the time we started take four of the 3rd shot. We kept doing takes but I was so strung out and shaky I couldn’t get it right. We just decided to go on filming the subsequent scenes and make some kind of progress. Fast forward a couple more hours and a couple more lines of coke. Our aunt was upstairs in the living room staying away from us, while we were downstairs debating left brain right brain theory. This was around 10 pm, so we both gave up on the project and just went on spinning our wheels talking about stupid things and making absolutely no progress.

My brother, referring to our aunt, at some point whispered, “I think she knows we’re on coke! Mom or dad must have told her. We need to keep talking, and loud enough for her to hear us so that she hears our coherent discussion and won’t think we’re on coke!” Okay, that sounds like a plan. It wasn’t a plan, none of this was a plan or thought out, it was sheer stupidity. Around an hour later, I ran upstairs to act like I was saying goodbye to our aunt, but really just wanted to probe her to see if she knew we were on coke. “I don’t know if mom and dad said we’re on cocaine or not aunt, but we’re not!” I said to her as she left with a horrified look on her face.

Eventually, my brother and I went outside for a walk because we were so sweaty. This is when my brother started losing it and saying the most delusional paranoid nonsensical things one could imagine. Near the end of our walk on our way back to our house, my brother said something like “All that’s important in life is love, honor, and friendship!
my brother started losing it and saying the most delusional paranoid nonsensical things one could imagine. Near the end of our walk on our way back to our house, my brother said something like “All that’s important in life is love, honor, and friendship!
Say it! If you don’t say it, you don’t love me!” I told him I am not going to say that stupid bullshit, but then he started crying and became so unstable it was making me panic. “You need to say it!” So, I said it at a reasonable talking volume, but that wasn’t good enough for him. “You need to SCREAM IT! You don’t love me if you don’t scream it and mean it.” I started walking faster than him, wanting to get out of there.

After I got some distance, I looked back and saw he stopped following me and was standing in the middle of a crosswalk at an intersection. I ran back to him and told him to just come home with me, but the guy was dead set on having me scream at the top of my lungs until blood came out “LOVE, HONOR, and FRIENDSHIP!” This was like 1 am, I really didn’t want to do it, but I forced out the words as loud as I could. He grabbed my shoulders, looked me in the eyes, and said “That’s still not loud enough! You don’t love me! I’m your brother!” I did a 180 and headed straight home. He started sobbing, trying to manipulate me into coming back and screaming the bizarre phrase again, but I just kept walking. He eventually followed me home in a serpentine walking pattern.

My memory gets fuzzy after we got home, but it involved my brother arguing with our mom, getting caught with the cocaine, and flushing it down the toilet. I was coming off the cocaine buzz at this point, around 4 am, and decided to call it a night.

I remember lying in bed trying to fall asleep, but I couldn’t because I felt like my heart was about to explode and the whole room was spinning. All I could do was stare at the ceiling and wonder how on Earth did I mess up making my movie this much, and if I could possibly salvage what little footage we had and finish it. Time passed by fast, and before I knew it, I could hear the birds chirping and see daylight breaking. I decided to call in sick for school and refilmed the project the next day (no cocaine this time) using a totally different plot. Everyone loved it and I got an A!

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 115522
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Sep 28, 2023Views: 16
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Cocaine (13), Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Families (41), Difficult Experiences (5)

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