Testing Tolerance to the Sugar High
Bupropion & Sugar
Citation:   ComedownKid. "Testing Tolerance to the Sugar High: An Experience with Bupropion & Sugar (exp115541)". Erowid.org. Jul 4, 2021. erowid.org/exp/115541

100 - 300 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion (daily)
I spent 2 weeks eating 5 grams or less of sugar per day, in an attempt to reduce any potential sugar tolerance and test the effects of tolerance on a sugar high. Before and after this 2 week period, I ate about 90 grams of sugar to test its psychoactive effect.

I've been on bupropion and montelukast for about a year before the experience. Bupropion 100, 150, and recently 300mg, and montelukast 10mg. The only effect that I could confidently say is from bupropion is intensified dreams and sleep, and the only effect from montelukast random rashes. I'm also vegan and have been taking gummy multivitamins, but I stopped taking them during the 2 week period due to the high sugar content.

2:30 - I start munching on the ~90 grams of sugar while drinking some water. I haven't eaten anything else so far today. I feel pretty good, nothing notable really other than slight nervousness about eating the sugar. At first, the sweetness is rather overwhelming, but after a few sips (bites? I was eating out of a cup) it becomes rather delightful. At 2:40 I am noticing a feeling of lightness and energy. At 2:52 I'm feeling a little bit light headed in addition to the previously mentioned effects. I've been feeling a slight discomfort in my stomach. A slight brain fog (note: looking back, I really don't know what I meant by brain fog) also comes and goes like the stomach discomfort. at 3:48 I'm feeling slightly lethargic, possibly due to the stomach discomfort.

2:35 - I start eating the sugar in a similar way to the first time, but with a spoon. At 3:00, I'm feeling a little bit energetic, but more accurately uneasy. I've been eating faster than the first time. 3:29: I have finished eating the sugar. Not feeling much.

Throughout the second experience, the most pronounced effect and the only effect that I could solidly attribute to the sugar would be feeling too full. This was even less pronounced than the first test, which I would say felt distinctly psychoactive, although this could just be from eating a large amount of a strongly flavored substance. I don't think this is the case, as I felt stomach discomfort in both experiences. I expected the second test to be more pronounced, so placebo doesn't seem likely either (although it can't be ruled out).

[July 2021 Addendum: This report was originally published with '25mg' as the montelukast dose. That dose has since been corrected by the author. It was 10mg. The text above reflects this change.]

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115541
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 4, 2021Views: 750
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