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Does Not Feel Very Psychedelic at All
BOD & Cannabis extract ('Delta-8-THC')
by Kaji
Citation:   Kaji. "Does Not Feel Very Psychedelic at All: An Experience with BOD & Cannabis extract ('Delta-8-THC') (exp115580)". Aug 7, 2021.

T+ 0:00
  oral Dimenhydrinate  
  T+ 0:00   vaporized Cannabis (extract)
  T+ 0:30 15 mg oral BOD (pill / tablet)
  T+ 2:00 2 hits vaporized Cannabis (extract)
  T+ 5:15   vaporized Cannabis (extract)
Part 1 of 3: 15mg BOD (No Tolerance)

This is a 3 part report of experimenting with BOD - first at 15mg with no tolerance, second at 30mg with tolerance, and third at 30mg with no tolerance.

Preparation: Woke up at 9:15 and took dramamine immediately. Had some delta 8 in between dramamine and BOD.  Washed down 1/2 of a 30mg pellet of BOD with morning coffee at 9:45. Ate nothing.

(-)10:30am - I feel stimulated, as if I took a small amount of Adderall. No change in headspace. I went outside to smoke a cigarette, watching for the usual signs of a trip in the movements of the grass, but nothing was different.

(±)11:30am - Took a walk with my fiancee. My usual knee pains are gone, and I don't have a headache or shoulder discomfort or anything - in fact I feel a remarkable absence of pain and discomfort. Headspace still normal.

(±)12:30pm- No notable change. I've been sitting on the couch on my phone, still feeling a pleasant, mild stimulation. At no point has there been a rush of euphoria, but I still feel little pain, which is different. Maybe a slight euphoria throughout, unlike the rushing euphoria of adderall. I have had to shit about six times today.

(±)1:11pm - I had two lungfuls of delta 8 around here, for the first time since taking the BOD. My previous (ghost of a) d8 high is gone. My body feels very good. I have no visuals at this time. I begin to feel an odd but nice feeling somewhere in my face - in my sinuses, maybe. I closed my eyes to see what would happen. I noticed a building feeling, like a "blasting off," and quickly opened them. Here on the couch, it is an unpleasant feeling, but I'll try it out lying all the way down in bed, perhaps after drinking some water. It sort of seemed like there were some visuals building, but I didn't keep my eyes closed long enough to see what they looked like. I'm thinking it's a good thing that this drug doesn't compel me to close my eyes - it's the opposite, which is keeping me pretty sane about the whole thing.

(±)1:33pm - My body feels decisively different now. The euphoria, while still subtle, is a little more pronounced. I was unable to replicate the unpleasant sensation of the last entry. Saw some flashing lights in my peripheral vision, and maybe some mescaline-esque (fun "word") triangle kinda guys started to take shape for a second, but nothing major and certainly nothing that I could directly attribute to BOD. After a while of trying fruitlessly, I sat up and deliberately stared at a fixed point in my ceiling for a while, without blinking, and at the end, I could swear it started to move - undulate a little, perhaps.

(±)2:03pm: I decided to resume normal d8 consumption after realizing that 15mg simply isn't going anywhere.* It now just sort of feels like I got high. There is a persistent but subtle visual snow. My fiancee drove me to the gas station so I could get some drinks and more smokes. I interacted with the cashier just fine, and was grateful for the fact that he was processing customers on multiple registers at once (they always do this there, they process lines so fast).

*: Don't get me wrong, if this is the feeling that is going to last 6 hours or so, then this is going to be a day well spent. I just meant that this is not a typical psychedelic experience for me, and it does not feel very psychedelic at all. Part of me wants to redose, but I should just commit to a 15mg trip report here and now, and try 30mg BOD at a later date.
it does not feel very psychedelic at all. Part of me wants to redose, but I should just commit to a 15mg trip report here and now, and try 30mg BOD at a later date.
I feel quite comfortable using d8 now, so maybe I can get a bit more fun out of that.

(±)4:00pm - I'm no longer sure what can be attributed to BOD and what can't, but I'm having a very good day. I feel like whatever amount of BOD I took was just enough to smooth over any of the minor annoyances that might have even slightly dampened my mood. I'm enjoying adding songs to my road trip playlist quite a lot. My dog is being anxious as fuck, but it's not putting me in a bad mood. He's upset because it's day 2 of a new puppy being around, and we're introducing them slowly. He wouldn't eat his breakfast, but I got him to eat it by eating with him. He's being whiny, but okay. I didn't have any difficulty in scarfing down a heaping plate of soul food, and I'm not even feeling lethargic after that. I may take a solo stroll. I still feel the light stimulation.

(±)4:15pm - The sun is out today, and the humidity is high. Normally it's not fun, but it seems much less fun right now. I'm back in my nice cool home and the heat is sticking with me. It wasn't a very long walk, either.

(-)5:23pm: I feel I could be back to baseline now. If this was an experience it was incredibly subtle, but enjoyable for a preliminary test dose! I have thought a little about the placebo effect during this experience. I feel physically quite good. I can't help but wonder what might have happened if I'd kept my eyes closed earlier and sat through the unpleasantness - maybe if I had suffered it a little longer, I would have broken through to something, but I doubt it. The only other notes to add are on sleep quality and next day feelings. Currently, I plan to try 30mg on Thursday (7/1), and then take a break from all psychedelics and try 30mg again the following Sunday (7/10) or any appropriate day thereafter, for two reasons: one, because I'd like to see how this 15mg dose might have affected tolerance (I'm not afraid of wasting a pellet), and two, a (±) can always be attributed to a false positive. I definitely want the reference dose for tolerance, though; there is plenty of fun to be had with this guy, I think, and I can afford to play with it a little bit.

If it wasn't placebo, maybe BOD would be a nice micro dose candidate. I definitely felt good today. I didn't drive, but I didn't feel too impaired to do so, it was just a precaution. I felt I could have been productive if I wanted to, but I was paying too much attention to the drug (although my road trip playlist is getting beefier!). The word "Lucid" gets thrown around a lot in reference to BOD and I certainly see why.

(-)11:00pm: I've had a pretty bad headache all evening. Tylenol didn't help. Hoping for an easy time getting to sleep anyway, but not holding my breath.

(-)9:30am, 6/28 (Final Report)

I actually did not have too much trouble sleeping and awoke without a headache, feeling utterly normal. I guess that's what happens when you don't actually take enough, though.

Honestly, I feel better than I usually do waking up, but I can't ascribe that to the BOD with certainty.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115580
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Aug 7, 2021Views: 3,575
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Cannabis (1), BOD (572) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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