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Stipa robusta
Citation:   Yeshuasdisciple. "Grassid: An Experience with Stipa robusta (exp115583)". Sep 19, 2021.

  oral Stipa robusta (fresh)
Was another wonderful day went for a hike in the mountains of NM.

I've heard about stepa robosa AKA sleepy grass since I was a 14yr old kid, and I have always been looking forward to the day that I could have a chance at this wonderful plant.

First I just want to give all praise the most high God king of the universe and his son yeshua AKA Jesus Christ from whom all blessings flow and from whose hand all things that are..are! if you don't know him I suggest you should it's wonderful to know your Creator and I can't imagine a life without knowing him it would be hell literally. today June 30th 2021 in the midst of the craziest confusion the world's ever seen I was out doing a job and approximately 6:30 p.m. mountain time I went for a hike and I picked a handful of stepa robosa, AKA sleepy grass.

So I ate the grass and within about an hour and a half the first effects came on similar feelings to Morning Glory slight anxiety for a few minutes then visual perception, increased colors became brighter, patterns stuck out, sound and music became more euphoric. closed eye visuals behind the eyelids. I can only say I'm few hours into it right now. So far the effects remind me of morning glory seeds and or claviceps paspsli (AKA ergot).

I just want it to be known that this plant does have some very therapeutic properties.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115583
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 36
Published: Sep 19, 2021Views: 571
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Stipa robusta (535) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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