A Change in Perspective
Citation:   Alan F.. "A Change in Perspective: An Experience with LSD (exp115624)". Erowid.org. Sep 27, 2021. erowid.org/exp/115624

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
I put a square piece of paper measuring 0.5cms by 0.5cms on my tongue. I kept it there for forty-five minutes and then I spat it out. After no more than 15 minutes I started to feel the effects. The paper was a blotter part of a grand blotter with the design of a man on a bike commemorating the first voyage by Albert Hofmann, the science wizard. He hit the nail on its head with this substance. It’s not like ecstasy, it is purer, it is better. It is holier!

It was Monday 5th July 5 AM and I found myself fully awake and shirtless on a sunny island in the Mediterranean Sea. No sleep, no hunger, no sadness, some anxiety. My mindset was spiritual. I wanted to spend time with my invisible friend Jesus who allegedly rose from the dead. The drug provided me with the stamina to pursue my adventure as otherwise, I’d get bored just after some minutes alone. It's tricky: while admitting that I was physically alone, I was spiritually trying to make contact with the risen Lord which is not easy because you can't see him, you can't hear him. You can only imagine him. But the drug provided me some change in perspective. Just clear perception and unclear sight as everything appeared out of focus. But since I was not driving, I didn’t mind as I could still roughly see where I was although it didn’t matter so much. The details were unreal.

I knew I was in a quiet area next to the sea in a place where no one could see me. All I had were headphones tuned in to Djs Yotto and Lutteral on some epic set and a bottle of water. I was out for five hours. I kept trumping or walking focussing on my shadow. Walking and walking never stopping apart to do some dancing. I was walking down an alley leading to other alleys by the sea. I stopped and danced. At one moment a song came up with the lyrics ‘’Your love is all I need… Your love is all ever wanted’’ I Opened my arms and closing them in a celebration of joy. Everything made sense now. I was sure I’d go to heaven at the end of my life-long journey. I knew victory was on my side even though I was a sinner because Jesus loves me. St. Augustine’s thought came in my mind “You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in You.” I cried and laughed at the same time. A laugh that resonated on the walls of the cliffs ahead of me. It was not a silent laugh! I knew I was under the effect of this powerful hallucinogen, yet I couldn’t attribute what I felt to a mere drug. Was I rash in assuming there was something else? Could LSD really be considered a sacrament?

The colors were distorted as well. The sky was pink, the horizon was not a straight line. There were patterns on the walls that moved in circles or in straight lines like a herd of ants or insects but that did not scare me, rather it amazed me. And the feeling didn’t last for less than five hours. I couldn't ask for more! The peak was five hours and if you add it with the comedown it means that I tripped for more than eight hours on that day. I walked down the tarmac road leading into other tarmac roads in the countryside. It was the afternoon. The best time of the day and shadows were created by my figure in front of me. Me and my shadow. That’s all I needed there and then. I missed everyone but did not feel lonely as my invisible friend, Jesus was with me. To whom else could I attribute this moment of divine love other than the Word of God made flesh who rose from the dead? I was sure that he loves me. I am now sure that Jesus always loves me.

Thanks to the time invested with him and a drug that enabled this change in perspective.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115624
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Sep 27, 2021Views: 428
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LSD (2) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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