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Hell on Halloween
Citation:   Jennifer Juniper . "Hell on Halloween: An Experience with NBOMe (exp115641)". Jul 21, 2023.

1 hit sublingual 25B-NBOMe (blotter / tab)

It was Halloween of last year and I hadn't tripped in about 3 months. My very close friend at the time, Jenna had always been the very first person I would trip with and we really wanted to trip. Our other friend, Maureen, hadn’t ever tripped on LSD (though her first trip was on shrooms) and we wanted her to trip with us.

After weeks of planning, we decided to get our acid from a guy who seemed like he had a good plug. Lately I had been very cautious about getting fake acid due to living in the Midwest and dealing with a lot of sketchy dealers. I trusted this dude, and the plan was that we’d hang out with our friend group the night of Halloween, then around 9 we’d meet the dealer to get our acid. We would then go back to my house and start the trip as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, things didn’t go as planned, and the dealer actually ended up getting drunk and bailing on us. But we were desperate. Instead of just calling it a night and hanging out sober, we ended up messaging about 10 different dudes to try and find the goods. After about an hour, we found a guy who seemed a bit sketchy, but we decided to buy from him anyway. We made a deal to get four tabs because Maureen was gonna take an extra one to her older sister. Turns out the dude actually gave us 5 for the price of 4, and we excitedly went back to my house.

We got there around 10:30, and took one tab each at 11. We didn’t know the exact dosage, but we assumed it was probably just gonna be around 75-100, which is what I would normally trip on. My intentions for the trip weren’t super spiritual or anything, I just wanted to have some fun with friends and kinda just chill out.

Upon laying the tab on my tongue, I noticed a strange metallic taste. It wasn’t overwhelming, but it was definitely there. Despite the impending doom I was weary about, I didn’t think much of it just because I wanted to trip. We all kept it on our tongues for about 15 minutes before swallowing.

I then put some That ‘70s Show on my TV and waited for the show to begin. About 30 mins in, I noticed some small changes in my vision and touch. It was the typical come-up feeling, with a bit of hyper focus vision and a sense of hyperactivity. Jenna really started to feel it, and was just sputtering goofy nonsense. At this point, everything seemed really good and we were ready for a lighthearted and fun night.

I began to see tracers, and spent a few minutes dancing around with my hands glued to my face, listening to the music my friends were playing in the background. This was our typical come-up ritual, dancing and goofing off with our favorite songs in the background. The tracers were always our favorite part. But Maureen hadn’t even started seeing anything yet.

When I finally ran out of breath, I turned to look at Jenna. Her eyes grew about 5x in size, and her hair had a strange iridescent glow that dripped down her entire body. Her face was a bit stretched out, like someone had used a warp tool in photoshop. It was really intense for come-up hallucinations, so I grew a bit uncomfortable. However, I decided to just ignore it, and continue with whatever it was I was doing.

We kept messing around and looking at our tracers, which is when Maureen finally started to see tracers too. She thought it was cool, but she didn’t have any profound interest and kept to herself. She’s not the type of person to be super enthusiastic or excited about anything.

As my visuals grew more intense, Jenna started to freak us out a little bit. She began acting really weird, and would move in a really sporadic way. I got a little bit annoyed with her very high-energy behavior, and sat with Maureen for a moment. We watched Jenna dance around with her arms stretched out in front of her, until she doubled over and said, “I think I’m gonna throw up.” Maureen and I looked at each other in confusion, which is when Jenna collapsed on the floor and started puking. It wasn’t like she was concerned about it whatsoever. She just laid there on my bedroom floor and slowly spit out a liquid substance with absolutely no chunks, despite us eating a few hours beforehand. Maureen and I were horrified, and immediately jumped up to get a towel. Jenna finally finished and sat up. She seemed really spaced out, which is when I began to notice a bigger change in my visuals.

I began to notice my visuals getting more intense. It was starting to freak me out a lot. We were only about 40 minutes into the trip. I tried to ignore it, but my body screamed at me to take it seriously. My body felt electric, with stabbing sensations inching across my chest about every minute. My mind felt drunk, despite all my other experiences feeling crystal clear. I began to get anxiety, but put it past me in order to help my friends feel at ease.

Jenna was still laying on the floor when she said she needed to go to the bathroom. I’m still living with my parents, and they were asleep at the other end of the house. I wanted to stay quiet to avoid any suspicion, but Jenna and Maureen insisted on playing loud music in my room. I wanted them to feel comfortable, so I didn’t say anything about it.

Maureen and I had the least amount of prior psychedelic experiences, but we were almost like the trip sitter for Jenna at first. We took her to the bathroom right next to my room, and ended up sitting on the bathroom floor for around 35 minutes. The cold & hard lighting made everything feel very sinister. Jenna seemed extremely out of it, while Maureen and I made dumb jokes in order to deescalate the situation. When Maureen and I made the proposition to go back to my room, Jenna just sat there staring at us & mumbling. She literally couldn’t speak words. She stared at us without answering for about 5 minutes, just mumbling incoherent gibberish sentences.

We finally got her to get up and walk across the hall back to my room, which is when we all sat down on my bed. Jenna and I are huge Pink Floyd fans, and listening to DSOTM is always an album we listen to while tripping, so that’s what Maureen put on my aux. Normally, I love listening to music while tripping, just so I can fully absorb the music while staring in wonder at all my visuals. This time it wasn’t so great. When I tried to just lay back and relax, I felt as if I couldn’t breathe. I was shaking so much that I couldn’t lay still. My mind was going at 100 mph, and I couldn’t stop grinding my teeth. I felt like I was on meth, and quickly felt layers upon layers of fear and anxiety.
I felt as if I couldn’t breathe. I was shaking so much that I couldn’t lay still. My mind was going at 100 mph, and I couldn’t stop grinding my teeth. I felt like I was on meth, and quickly felt layers upon layers of fear and anxiety.
I couldn’t stop making jokes like “this isn’t acid” and after awhile, Jenna and Maureen agreed.

Jenna ended up telling us that this was way more intense than her experience on 500 ug. We came to the conclusion that the state we were in was definitely not LSD-induced.
Everything seemed to be shaking/vibrating intensely. It even looked glitchy at some points, like I was in a shitty video game. The words on my posters would spin and fly to the other side of the wall. There was an extremely nauseating strobe light that seemed to be behind my eyes, and every time I blinked I felt like I was about to go into an epileptic seizure.

All my visuals were moving and shaking so fast I quickly experienced sensory overload and began feeling sick to my stomach. My mind felt blackout drunk, and completely numb. I couldn’t stop slurring my words. My body felt completely metallic. I mentioned the stabbing feeling in my chest. It hurt, and each time it came I felt an overwhelming dread for the next round. My face and jaw was in immense pain from the amount of teeth-grinding I was doing. I felt these waves, more like tsunamis, wash over my body about every 10 seconds or so.

We kept listening to music and probably sat there silently for about an hour. Or so I thought. Out of nowhere Maureen spoke up and said, “Can we listen to something else now? We’ve listened to this album like three times.” I really don’t know if we actually did listen to it that much or not. We were all extremely fucked up and I don’t even remember what time it was when we switched music. But Maureen ended up taking the aux and putting on one of her playlists.

At this point I seemed to sink deeper and deeper into my mattress, and I really just wanted the trip to be over. I felt so ill and tired, but I couldn’t even sit still. I wanted to cry because I was so angry, but my mind was moving so fast that I couldn’t even focus. I began to feel as if the visuals around me had a mind of their own. They were taunting me.

This is when a song came on that, quite frankly, I can’t even bear to listen to anymore. It was ‘Band on the Run’ by Wings, which is a pretty good tune. But for some reason, in my haze, it was literally sadistic. Paul McCartney’s voice was mocking me, as with the rest of the instrumentals. It was pure agony, and I felt like I was being punished by some sort of acid god.

This is when things get a little weird and supernatural. My friends and I were still sitting on my bed listening to music. It was probably around 3:30-4 am at this point. All of a sudden, my door knob began shaking. We all jump (because we thought it was my parents and that definitely wouldn’t have been good,) but the door didn’t open. It stopped, so we just pretended like it didn’t happen. About 25 minutes later, my door literally opens. It didn’t open all the way, just like somebody opened it and peaked in. We all freak out, and Jenna gets up to check if anyone was in the hall. Nobody was there. My parents were asleep. You can say it was just the house settling, but there’s no way a latched-shut door is not gonna open by itself.

Soon after, it was getting closer to 5 am. We’d been tripping for around 7 hours. Jenna and Maureen said they felt like they were starting to come down, which ignited genuine terror in me. I didn’t feel like I was coming down whatsoever, I still felt like I was peaking (though I felt as if I’d been peaking from the get-go.) They made a few comments like “You’re not coming down??” Which made my anxiety even worse. They said that they were really tired, and they started to try and sleep. I probably tried to sleep for around 30 minutes, but I just couldn’t do it. The stabbing feeling in my chest and the strobe lights attacking my eyelids were rendering me useless. Minutes crept by, and I was beginning to get even more paranoid by my seemingly-endless intense visuals.

Around 5:30 am, I fell into a deep hole of fear and anxiety. Maureen and Jenna had fallen asleep, and I was basically shaking with terror. I have a poster of Syd Barrett on my wall and I probably stared at it for 20 minutes. I remembered Syd’s psychedelic / schizophrenic downfall, and I somehow convinced myself that I was schizophrenic and would never stop tripping. I’ve noticed this is a pretty common theme with bad trips. I prayed to god that I could open my eyes and just be okay. When my prayers failed, I went through a myriad of suicidal thoughts.

My boyfriend at the time was actually tripping on shrooms at someone else’s house at the time and I ended up calling him about 15 times in the midst of my psychosis because he was the only person I felt could help me calm down. He never answered, so I laid back down and tried to fall asleep again. My close-eyed visuals were a gruesome reflection of how I felt mentally, and screams would just loop in my head, over and over again. It felt as if hours had gone by, but when I checked the clock, it’d been only two or three minutes. I repeated this process for about 2 hours.

I still felt like I wasn’t coming down, and the sunrise reminded me of the fact that my mom was at the house, and I would end up having to face her like this. Around 8 am, Maureen and Jenna woke up. They stated that they still had a few lingering visuals, but they were pretty much done. When I told them I was still tripping hard, they acted as if something was wrong with me. Comments like “how are you still tripping?” “That’s actually scary,” etc. Made me feel insane.

An hour later, I began to feel a little better. My visuals were still intense, but I could tell that they were lessening. My brain, on the other hand, felt fried and exhausted. I still couldn’t really speak correctly or be still for more than 3 seconds at a time. My body was sore and ached like hell. But Jenna and Maureen were starving, and I reluctantly agreed to go to the kitchen. Jenna & Maureen left my house soon after, and I finally felt like I was truly coming down. I couldn’t sleep all day, but I finally fell asleep at around 10 pm.

The first few months after the trip were fucking depressing. My thoughts were still scattered, and my body aches were still bad, but the visuals were all I cared about. I still definitely saw remnants of visuals. I did a lot of research on NBOMes, and I don’t know which type I took, but I know it has to be one of them. I had intense HPPD and got flashbacks all the time, which really sparked anxiety. Any time I felt down for whatever reason, memories of the trip would make it worse. It was a huge problem for me up until March. At this point in time, I can still say it was the worst experience I’ve ever had, but I really did appreciate life a little more once I got out of it. My HPPD is still somewhat active, but it’s still not as bad.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 115641
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jul 21, 2023Views: 586
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NBOMe Series (539) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Relationships (44), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Music Discussion (22), What Was in That? (26), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Health Problems (27), Bad Trips (6), Difficult Experiences (5)

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