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A Serious Wake-up Call
by Cee
Citation:   Cee. "A Serious Wake-up Call: An Experience with LSD & DMT (exp115687)". Dec 6, 2021.

T+ 0:00
  oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 6:00   smoked DMT  
I’ve scored some mid-strength WoW tabs and some DMT which was about ~85% pure. I’ve done DMT once before, also done acid and shrooms a couple of times- so I know what to expect. I was planning on having a holiday break into the countryside and thought that I could use some insight into how I was doing, but after this experience I ended moving so I can focus on helping the farmers and help heal the land.

At 10:00 AM, I dropped the tabs on top of my tongue instead of under it this time- which I’ve normally before.

The familiar feeling is kicking in; getting that burst of energy and weightlessness, feeling a little giggly.
The familiar feeling is kicking in; getting that burst of energy and weightlessness, feeling a little giggly.
Although I do tend to get anxious and shiver on acid esp. if I’m doing the last bit of cleaning before I trip.

Same ol’ visuals kicking in, everything is brighter and saturated.

1:00 PM
I’m able to see patterns on the walls and floor, but very subtle. No crazy colours or tracers.

Soaking up the sun as much as possible despite the fact that the backyard gets very little sunlight. Decided to meditate for a short bit; immediately getting intense CEVs from the sun. Tried to cover my eyes with my hands but could still see the sun… just wow.

Okay now I’m peaking, been staring at floor for about half an hour and I’m seeing Alex Grey art, but without any colour. I’m seeing this couple kissing, then this baby in the womb and then the parents walking this child- all in one frame and fractaling away. Was not expecting this at all; it seemed too perfect, the lines and patterns where matching up impeccably.

The time for smoking the DMT in the pipe has come but unfortunately my trip-sitter had to leave for work. The show must go on though and very rarely do I take acid- I can’t stand not being able to eat for 12 hours, I have to eat 5 times a day based on my vegan diet otherwise my nerve pain flairs up.

I am now sandwiching the DMT with the Damiana; was gonna aim for a heroic dose by taking half a point (100-120mg), but instead I had the “bright” idea of adding a little more because it didn’t look like much. I had the mentality of “hey, I bought the ticket, so I gotta enjoy the ride.” Absolute rookie mistake… or was it!?

So I’m now taking one big hit and already I can feel it; the taste was like a cross between diesel and poop, the damiana made it somewhat nicer. Holding it in but I reach 10 seconds and it’s already hitting me like a freight train, so I managed to put the pipe away whilst my ego was like “oh you’ve really done it now haven’t you.”

As soon as I exhaled, time froze completely and I lay back next to the cat. The ringing in my ears was deafening as I saw this reality get ripped away. Now, I’ll admit, I’m panicking a bit, I’ve just completely forgotten about everything and how to breathe or blink even. I’m looking down at myself and see that I’m like a fluorescent being of pure light, all zig-zaggy lines. But then this adorable being came bursting through the bedroom in a rush, like she wasn’t expecting me to breakthrough that fast and she then tried to calm me down. Now for some weird reason, my uhh… private part started glowing red (in context, I live with debilitating nerve pain and can’t really please myself).

She offered to, well uh, relieve me, but I crossed my arms to cover it and respectfully declined, to which she responded with a smug look “oh okay, I won’t, unless..?”
I was like “no-no-no, I’m fine, thanks for offering though.”

We both laughed; but then l realised that she’s my 4th dimensional girlfriend, I just find it hard to believe. She then held my cat which he had zig-zaggy lines of yellow and orange, straight out of a Louis Wain cat drawing. I got up off the bed and then realised that I got my sock wet (it wasn’t actually wet in the physical world), but I think I stepped on a puddle? So I’m like “well frick.”

And walked out of this bedroom into my room and my DMT girlfriend panicked and exclaimed that the toilet was blocked (again, it actually wasn’t), but she used this 4th dimensional poop emoji to convey that it was. I don’t know, I didn’t do it, I just wanted to focus on getting this wet sock off but I too was getting a bit panicky. So I entered my room and she came with me and started evaluating my physical life from the 3rd dimension. Mind you, I had completely forgotten about who I was, but she told me that I had almost died (which I actually almost did, like 3 times). Every time I focused too much on the bad news, all the shapes around me became dark-green and sharpened. But as soon as I let go of that and throw that negativity over my shoulder or I hear good news, it all became light-green and the shapes softened. Mind you, we were talking in a sing-songy manner
we were talking in a sing-songy manner
, like something straight out of Blink-182 or ADTR acoustic song.

She also told me one of the most tragic love story ever- she was like “well what if this person that you’ve recently met online recently, actually had developed a crush on you but they died.” I’ll admit, that almost made me cry and then she hugged me. The crazy thing is, that same person who she told me about ended up confessing their feelings to me 2 months later. Also, she pointed out that, what would you do if your dad had a heart attack and died… made me realise how valuable life was.

She also made me realise that I was kept alive for a reason, which my purpose was to save the planet from man-made pollution; I have to guide those who are in despair onto the path of light. This burden of knowledge became a bit too much at the time, but apparently I was also late for like the bus or something. I ended leaving the house, took my “wet” sock off and started sprinting towards the end of the street (which is almost 1km). At this point, some voice somewhere warned me that if I’m reckless, I could attract unwanted attention, esp. from the evil mass media. But I reassured that I won’t do that. Ever since I went outside, I was transported to another world, like ended up in a place in the US like Portland or Charlottesville instead of here, Australia. It was frightening esp. with the fact that I was looking through “DMT eyes”. Everyone looked so atomised, wearing their political patches and tattoos, the whole AntiFa vs Fascists false dichotomy. I could read people’s thoughts like text bubbles above their heads, I could feel their negative emotions; I was hyper alert of everything, but I had to keep running though. I ran past this tree; in the leaves I could see the merkaba and reverse swastika hybrid- like the Raelist symbol but reversed. Then in the shadows, I could see the sonnerad symbols.

I kept going however ‘til the point I started tearing up and said to myself “irregardless of all the pain, the frustration, of all the messed up things that had happened to me; I will keep going NO MATTER WHAT!”

This was the most liberating feeling I’ve ever had in my life; so I kept sprinting towards the light and I felt no pain at all in doing this running. I finally got there and was panting like crazy- on the school fence at the end of the road, read the “Sun Smart” sign… and laughed to myself.

The effects are wearing off, now I need to head back home. I took my other sock off so I didn’t look like some weirdo; besides, I’ll look like more of a hard-ass walking bare foot on asphalt haha.

I did start to feel this overwhelming of love in me, like I was rolling hard on MDMA… and a felt a little embarrassed. By the time I got home I started getting all my shit together, getting ready for my move down to the south coast.

It’s now been 2 months, I still get flashbacks or glimpses into the DMT world; I’ve also been doing some micro-dosing but yeah, working hard now in my plant nursery.

I wish you all peace and know that things will get better.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115687
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Dec 6, 2021Views: 582
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LSD (2), DMT (18) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3)

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