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High on the Job
Citation:   notreallyhere. "High on the Job: An Experience with Cannabis (exp115693)". Aug 11, 2021.

  vaporized Cannabis
I was working with a friend at a local store. I found out that his mom was his weed plug, so I asked if he could bring a vape for me to try out. He brought it for me on my next shift and we both got high. It was my first time smoking weed (or doing anything with weed), so I was a little nervous. For the most part though, it was really chill. At first I didn't feel anything, but I slowly noticed that I was high. My eyes got a little watery and my face got kind of flushed too. I noticed pretty early on that my throat was dry. I don't think that I had ever experienced that feeling before, at least not to that extent. It didn't really bother me, though. My eyelids were pretty heavy and I was feeling good. I was a lot more social and I found it so much easier to talk to people. My body pain was much easier to deal with. I found that my brain space was less cluttered and it was a bit foggy, but in a good way. I sat down during my break and I kind of sank into my chair, which felt good. It was all in all a lovely experience.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115693
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Aug 11, 2021Views: 528
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Cannabis (1) : Workplace (51), First Times (2)

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