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A Late Night Journey In The City
Citation:   Icarus. "A Late Night Journey In The City: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp115711)". Erowid.org. Jul 23, 2023. erowid.org/exp/115711

400 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)

It was a year or so since I last did any sort of hallucinogenics, and I did fine and the little amount of acid I had once. It was around 10pm at night and I had decided to join my friends in doing these pills after we got bored of trying to look for weed. They told me about everything that was gonna happen and what it was like, and I was feeling brave. I had about 16 of the 25mg pills which was way too much for someone in my position.

It was me and 4 other people that night with another guy who was experienced with this named Dall who was gonna trip sit for me to make sure nothing bad happened and I didn't get into any stupid shit. I down the pills without a struggle and sip on my Pepsi and enjoy some tortilla chips for 30 minutes while goofing off with my friends behind a store. I had some minor hallucinations during this time which was just the night sky distorting as I saw a red vaporlike door start to form and vanish away. We even had our good moments as I stared at one of my friends for 20 or so minutes just trying to figure out why he looked like that and how its weird how people can look so different and we laughed it off.

The first hour or 2 were completely fine as we made our way to a parking lot and sat on some hills overlooking the parking lot. However, they said it was hard to get me to respond to anything and I seemed pissed off as I mostly played with the grass and made no sense whenever I spoke. As more time passed the more I noticed I was having trouble trying to remember what just happened, I had lost any sort of short term memory which is gonna come back to bite me in a really bad way.

The first bad incident had happened. I was so out of my mind and thoughtless of my actions that I had stared at some girl's car and had knelt down with it looking like I tried to pull one of the stickers off. Apparently she had yelled at me to back the fuck up but I just didn't hear her. Eventually my friends snapped me out of my trance and I ran back to them and they explained I was kinda fucked up and she understood. I only remember slight fragments of what happened here but it didn't click with me until a long time later. I don't remember her voice at all or anything, I just remember catching back up with everyone.

Its around 3:00-3:30 in the morning. The bennies were still in full effect as I walked around with what felt like a mix between the gravity being turned off and being a drone of a person. It felt like I had no mind but I was still awake, I couldn't make sense of anything that was happening for awhile.
I walked around with what felt like a mix between the gravity being turned off and being a drone of a person. It felt like I had no mind but I was still awake, I couldn't make sense of anything that was happening for awhile.
We had been walking around a lot so I hadn't noticed the hallucinations for awhile, nor did I noticed the three police cars that drove past us while I was playing with the grass. But when we got back, I saw my friends come back and since Dall was tired and that I couldn't tell that I was hallucinating my friends returning, I followed them away from Dall.

The next bit gets blurry, but the 2nd bad thing happened. Dall eventually found me in a nearby ditch a block away with a dead opossum in my hands. I'm dead fucking serious. I didn't even realize I had it in my hands. Dall immediately shined his flashlight at me and I dropped it when I realized what I had, whether it be out of guilt or shock at a bright light coming from out of nowhere. He spent the next bit of time trying to stop me from biting my fingernails out of sheer anxiety. I'm so glad I'm anonymous because this part always fills me with self hatred for looking so creepy. Apparently I had complained about ants on my legs and something in my arms. so at the very least he went along with it to avoid further confusing me and brushed them off for me.

Some time after that, I was completely fucking lost. I didn't know what part of town I was at. All I remember seeing was it being around 4 am and following my hallucinated friends to the ditch where whenever I tried to talk to them they'd say little like I had ruined everything and whenever I turned my back to watch out behind me, they'd disappear by running away really quickly. This went on for about an hour of me being in some part of a ditch behind some buildings, I can't remember what they were it was way too damn dark out.

At some point, I found the opossum carcass again and took my shirt and hat off and set it on the carcass again and walked away from it. It was only me in my shirt from then on out because it was too damn hot outside. Then something worse even happened: I set down my phone on the ground near the ditch without remembering where I put it.

The story ends around 9am or so with me walking around town in the rain hearing the voice of my friend Lucky and having a whole conversation with him only for me to turn my back around and realize he wasn't there, but I had sobered up enough to realize that it was a hallucination..

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115711
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jul 23, 2023Views: 321
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