The Beings Inhabiting the Dimensional Space
Citation:   MonkeShaman. "The Beings Inhabiting the Dimensional Space: An Experience with DMT (exp115735)". Aug 28, 2021.

3 hits   DMT
I felt a sensation on my whole body as if I was covered with ball bearings. As they entered my body I was no longer solid. I found myself paralyzed on a table while two forms of manifested energy were standing over me. Metallic shades of purples and greens. At first I was scared and reminded myself it only lasts 15 minutes the beings laughed. What felt like like an hour surely I should be coming down by now. They spoke to me thru a series of digital sounding beeps and telepathy. As if saying were not done with you yet, this is what you wanted" it wasnt threatening it was more inquisitive on their part. After what felt like 3 more hours of them running tests on me I was finally able to perceive our current reality. For the rest of the trip I kept hearing their language echoing to me.... I'd like to thank them for inviting me onto their flying triangular dimensional craft. This was both the most beautiful experience in my life and the most terrifying. I was left trembling. Never underestimate DMT. Maybe this will seem less crazy tomorrow. Or more.....

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115735
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Aug 28, 2021Views: 740
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DMT (18) : First Times (2), Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Unknown Context (20)

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