There Was Much More of a Head High
Tizanidine & Kratom
Citation:   Killer. "There Was Much More of a Head High: An Experience with Tizanidine & Kratom (exp115749)". Oct 1, 2021.

T+ 0:00
8 mg sublingual Tizanidine  
  T+ 0:30 3 g oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
Muscle Relaxers and Mitragynine

I had negligible tolerance to tizanidine, and medium kratom tolerance (consuming 10-15 g of leaf per week).

I had a prescription for a large quantity of 4 mg tizanidine tablets. I took two (8 mg total) sublingually, and they had a very bitter taste. I waited approximately 30 minutes and only felt a slight sedating sensation, so I decided to drink some kratom with them.

I mixed roughly 3 grams of Red Borneo ground kratom leaf (my typical dose) in a cup of orange juice, which makes the effects onset quicker due to the acidity. Within 5 minutes I felt a very strong "downer" feeling. There was much more of a head high than I typically experience with kratom alone. However, it was not excessive, as I interacted with people while under the influence and could communicate normally. The effect was sort of like the head high from hydrocodone/oxycodone (feeling "pinned") without any of the physical warmth or euphoria. My motor skills were not noticeably impaired.

Unfortunately, the strongest of the effects wore off fairly quickly, about 1 hour after taking the tizandine/30 minutes after taking the kratom. Any noticeable effects subsided between 2-3 hours after taking the tizanidine.

Tizanidine seems to have little noticeable effect on its own, but it potentiates other substances well.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115749
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Oct 1, 2021Views: 2,975
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Tizanidine (726), Kratom (203) : Combinations (3), Various (28)

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