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Like Salvia, but Gentle
DXM & Salvia divinorum
Citation:   xdillinger. "Like Salvia, but Gentle: An Experience with DXM & Salvia divinorum (exp115753)". Sep 24, 2021.

354 mg oral DXM
  1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum
Other than alcohol and cannabis, salvia was my first drug experience. In my early 20's I smoked salvia maybe 100 times and salvia space was very familiar to me. In my early to mid 20's, I started using DXM about once a month. I loved the feeling of total body comfort while tripping.

On this particular night I was alone in my bedroom and coming down off a 3rd plateau DXM experience. I decided to smoke some salvia. Salvia is intense. I tears me into a different universe very quickly, and even knowing what to expect, it still catches me off guard. So I light up the bowl and hold it for as long as I need to and I immediately recognize where I'm going, but this time I'm not being forced, I'm not moving too fast. I was eased into a very vivid salvia space and felt absolutely welcomed to be there by the child entities I always sense there. I felt comfortable just exploring around, and this world was a lot more open and visual than ever before. When I came to I was in awe. I felt happy, peaceful, and nostalgic. I slept great that night.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 115753
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Sep 24, 2021Views: 502
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Salvia divinorum (44), DXM (22) : Unknown Context (20), Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3)

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