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When It Got Good I Got Out
Citation:   High As F. "When It Got Good I Got Out: An Experience with Heroin (exp115802)". Sep 30, 2021.

  smoked Heroin
    IV Heroin
    insufflated Heroin
11 years ago I had a kind of suicidal idea of getting into heroin. I had no opioid experience, not even codeine cough syrup.

I asked I friend where I could find some H, I didn't knew anyone that used opioids. He took me to a dealer (a black guy) that went across his neighborhood (project houses) into another dealer's house (a white guy). When he came back he had a full gram of pure brown H in a plastic wrapper and told me to get the fuck out of there and never come back. So, for 30 euros I had a the equivalent of ten street grams. In Portugal low level smack is usual 10% pure, the rest is codeine/caffeine. I got this gram because the white guy thought the other guy, who was a known weed, hash and cocaine dealer in the area, was looking for something he could cut up and sell.

I started by trying to smoking it on foil. A hair thin line had me shirtless sitting on the floor sweating and unable to feel my hands or face for five minutes. I had been warned. Then I decided to shoot up that same dose. Finding a vein wasn't easy. Positioning the needle to shoot was another hustle. When I finally did push it all in, took me about ten minutes to realise what was up and what was down. I put myself in the fetal position on my bed and there I stood for 5 hours having the most intense vivid "dreams" that were much more detailed that my imagination or anything I ever seen. For the next 3 months (summer) I would from time to time dissolve 0.1g into 40 drops of water, and put them into my nose, so that 2 drops would get me rolling for three hours into those crazy "dreams". In these method it was more a physical sensation and the trips only came when I would nod off. By the last 0.1g I was really getting into it. All I did was wake up, get to the point, drop by drop, music and life was awesome, fall asleep, and wake up around 8 PM to eat something.

I kept some of the brown dust for almost a year. Went into withdrawal sickness and mental illness or whatever is called. All that time, 5 months, I kept saying to myself, I never heard anbody ever saying out loud about withdrawal symptoms "It's my fault!". After this, in the last ten years due to knee injuries I discovered pharmaceutical opioids, but that's another story.

Be smart. Stay safe

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 115802
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Sep 30, 2021Views: 786
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Heroin (27) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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