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Brutally Interrupted...
Tryptophan, Cannabis & MDMA
Citation:   craig. "Brutally Interrupted...: An Experience with Tryptophan, Cannabis & MDMA (exp115891)". Nov 4, 2021.

T+ 0:00
0.5 hits oral MDMA
  T+ 2:30 0.5 hits oral MDMA
  T+ 8:00 500 mg oral Tryptophan
  T+ 11:30   smoked Cannabis
Fainting on MDMA

This report is more just a word of caution.

6PM - The night began here when I took half a hit of MDMA (125mg). I began watching TV and enjoying the night

8:30PM - I was having a great time by now and decided to take the other half hit of MDMA (125mg). Then I hopped in the bath.

2AM - By this point I was in bed, watching TV and playing video games. I decided to take some L-Tryptophan (500mg) to try to counter some of the effects of the E and come down a bit. I keep thinking that a downer will counteract the negative effects of MDMA, similar to how L-Theanine and caffeine interact.

5:30AM - Coming to the end of the night, I decide to smoke a little marijuana as well. I took a few hits, expelled them out the door, when..... The only way I can describe my experience is to say that everything just dissolved away into happiness...

Which was brutally interrupted by my front teeth going through my bottom lip. I screamed "WHAT THE FUCK EVEN HAPPENED?!?!" and when I looked up, I was laying on my apartment's patio, directly next to the sidewalk, naked, and covered in blood. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom and cleaned myself up. I kept myself awake for about a half hour before passing out in bed.

When I woke the next day, my bedsheets were covered in blood, as was I, and everything hurt. Moral of the story: Don't try to mix downers with MDMA.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115891
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Nov 4, 2021Views: 1,311
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MDMA (3), Tryptophan (138), Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Alone (16)

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