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Chaotic, Long-Lasting, Pleasant RC Nexus Flip
5-MAPB, 2C-B-Fly & Amyl Nitrite
Citation:   Astroman. "Chaotic, Long-Lasting, Pleasant RC Nexus Flip: An Experience with 5-MAPB, 2C-B-Fly & Amyl Nitrite (exp115904)". Erowid.org. Dec 1, 2021. erowid.org/exp/115904

T+ 0:00
60 mg oral 5-MAPB (powder / crystals)
  T+ 4:00 10 mg oral 2C-B-Fly (pill / tablet)
My trip partner and I have been systematically exploring the psychedelic landscape with readily available grey market research chemicals. We had previously used 10 mg 2c-b-fly as a single dose agent, which we found to be an outstanding stand-alone trip when combined with poppers.

We obtained 5-mapb (60 mg used each, weighed with a laboratory balance) and decided to see what a research chemical nexus flip would be like by adding 2c-b-fly (one 10 mg green pellet, each) precisely at a 4 hour time point using a pre-set timer, after dosing the 5-mapb. This second-dose time point was chosen by considering the longer duration of both drugs when compared to their parent compounds.
This second-dose time point was chosen by considering the longer duration of both drugs when compared to their parent compounds.
Throughout this trip, we used amyl nitrite on occasion (note: not isopropyl or butyl) delivered via a sniffer bottle.

We rented a nice hotel room for Friday - Sunday for absolute isolation for this experiment. We consumed the 5-mapb at midnight on Friday. On its own, the 5-mabp was exceptionally similar to mdma, with the only distinction being a bit lower energy level. At T=4 h, we were still peaking, but took the 2c-b-fly per our schedule. Within two hours, we entered a very confusing place. We were both delirious, making chaotic statements to each other, and wandering lost in what my partner afterwards called ‘crazy town’. Still, it was quite pleasant at times, with vivid closed eye visuals involving cartoon plays, shimmering trees and forests, and imaginary story telling. At no point did we feel scared or nervous; however, we are both very experienced with psychedelics.

This second chaotic phase lasted 4-6 hours, and we only re-entered shared reality around 10-11 am the next morning (Saturday), baseline took another 2-3 hours. So in total, the journey took about the expected twelve hours. Throughout, the amyl nitrite added moments of intense connection, with deep eye gazing heavily (but pleasantly) distorted by the other two drugs. I am writing this report 36 hours post-trip, and I am physically exhausted but do not seem to have the serotonin depletion usually found after MDMA, which is a welcome gift.

In hindsight, to have a more uniformly pleasant experience, we should have cut both doses down by about half, which is actually standard recommendation when mixing psychedelics. We were using light-to-medium doses of 2c-b-fly and 5-mapb, and we did not accurately predict the combinatorial amplification effect of using both together. We also probably should have taken the 2c-b-fly at the 6 hour point, not the 4 hour point post-5-mapb.

In sum, this research chem nexus flip was more intense than we expected. We would scale down dosage intake to 40 mg 5-mapb followed by 5 mg 2c-b-fly, and take the 2c-b-fly six hours after the 5-mapb to prevent excessive overlap due to the fact that this is a potent and unpredictable drug combination that demands caution.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115904
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 50
Published: Dec 1, 2021Views: 1,789
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5-MAPB (624), 2C-B-Fly (350) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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