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In a Good Spot
Oxymorphone (Opana)
Citation:   LifeLongPsychonaut. "In a Good Spot: An Experience with Oxymorphone (Opana) (exp115913)". Nov 25, 2023.

T+ 0:00
10 mg insufflated Pharms - Oxymorphone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:45 10 mg insufflated Pharms - Oxymorphone (ground / crushed)
Mindset: Great mood, with a good friend, excited we found some Opanas and looking forward to it. Not at all nervous as we were both experienced in an impressively diverse range of drugs, opiates included. So we went in the experience happy and excited.

Setting: In my house, quiet, in the country nobody around for miles. Plenty of entertainment and generally comfortable, my friend was used to coming over so he was relatively in a comfortable setting as well.

Preparation: For ER to be insufflated, soak in mouth or just a bit of water/ lemon juice about 15 seconds to moisten the "wax coating" then use razor/box cutter/ exacto/ art scalpel to peel skin off, careful not to scoop out any of the good stuff. Then crush it.

0:00 We peel and insufflate around half of Opana 20mg each so 10mg each, we had no significant tolerance to speak of at that point, as we both had been doing different substances in the weeks before. We were also smoking master kush as well on an off throughout the experience.

0:10 Starting to feel tell-tale sign of an opiate kicking in, itchy body, warmth washes over my body, any semblance of anxiety begins to melt away and is replaced with contentment. It feels like heaven on earth.

0:30 Not expecting the strength of the Opana, I remember thinking its pharma Heroin but honestly better. It feels the same, maybe slightly more euphoria and even a strange upbeat energy although we're slowing down.

0:45 My instincts and body tell me I'm in a good spot and can take more so that's what I do. We peel another 20mg and we split it again, insufflating the powder, no burn or bitter drip compared to most drugs.

1:00 I can feel the second coming on, its got a bit more kick this time. My buddy says he's feeling great, I'm feeling great we're both amazingly surprised at the strength. I can feel myself getting slower. I'm barely able to focus or care about much in general at this point, due to the overwhelming sense of wellbeing and calm.

1:15 I begin to nod, as does my friend. The next several hours we rarely talked to each other or did much besides nod out and intermittently look at each other. Feeling as though he knew exactly what I felt, that this is what Opiates should be and this is incredible.
I begin to nod, as does my friend. The next several hours we rarely talked to each other or did much besides nod out and intermittently look at each other. Feeling as though he knew exactly what I felt, that this is what Opiates should be and this is incredible.

1:30-4:00 Both tabs are peaked at this point maybe even coming down a bit and we just nodded out on an off temporarily somewhere between awake and asleep. Too slowed down to even talk, mind working but words coming out as mumbles. But neither of us mind the feeling it is beyond description. I can't stress the euphoria, maybe just me but I haven't got intense euphoria on that level from most other opiates.

Comedown: When we were both good enough to walk around and move he went home and I stayed behind still on the border of nodding but it went away enough that I can push passed it and function. The after affects over the next many hours could be subjective, but I enjoyed it personally.

Recap: In my opinion between dilaudid, percs/oxy, morphine, vics, heroin, even some RC "opioid", I just remember I couldn't stop repeating in my head this is the best of them all. Its affects were so euphoric and beautiful.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 115913
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Nov 25, 2023Views: 24
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Pharms - Oxymorphone (221) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), Preparation / Recipes (30)

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