Injecting: The Good, the Bad, the Glory
Citation:   Charlie H. "Injecting: The Good, the Bad, the Glory: An Experience with Cocaine (exp115925)". Jan 6, 2022.

25 - 150 mg IV Cocaine
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
Injecting Cocaine, the Good, the Bad, the Glory

I had tried coke a few times. Then I decided to try doing "a bunch of coke". I got my hands on some good stuff. I did an eight ball in a day through the nose. I'd always run out of it pretty quick and didn't want to spend the money on more plus realized this was kinda abusive use, though I enjoyed the constant rush I'd get from this type of use. So I took breaks between using it. I am a relatively healthy guy, always stayed physically active training physically with cardio and weights. Don't have a heart problem. Vape occasionally, haven't smoked cigarettes in years and I was (still am) relatively young. Eventually I connected with someone that was selling cocaine that had been purified (removing any cutting agents). I had had experience with needles with testosterone in the past.

The good: after reading up on the subject I tried it, mixed 70 mgs into some injection water and stirred it up until it all dissolved. Stuck into vein in left arm, pulled back needle to see blood gush into syringe, confirming I had indeed got into the vein (more on this later in the bad). Then I pushed the plunger and BAM instant euphoria, cocaine taste in my nose and mouth, I could even taste the residual alcohol from the swab I used to clean the injection site beforehand. Suddenly it was like the world was different. It was like everybody within a square mile could feel it and I could hear all of their thoughts.
It was like everybody within a square mile could feel it and I could hear all of their thoughts.
It was bizarre but euphoric and didn't cause me to get a bloody nose or pain in my sinuses.

Good (continued): Using it this way seemed to be more powerful and less harmful than putting it in my sinuses. It was a stronger rush.

The bad: One time the scale was off and I did way too much and I had too high blood pressure and was chest breathing and looked like a complete mess.

The ugly: taking multiple doses one day I realized my hands were shaky and constantly searching for a new vein, with shaky hands, and pulling up on the plunger before injection with a tiny insulin syringe and big hands quite difficult. Multiple times my hands shuddered and I sliced into the vein at different angles possibly dozens of times over the course of a few attempts. It's not that it hurt per se but the creepy feeling of having torn up my veins that haunted me.

The glory: feeling on top of the world and the whole body rush was amazing. I just realized it was super addictive and not really productive so I stopped. I was really fortunate to have a supply of extremely pure coke for this.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 115925
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jan 6, 2022Views: 1,806
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