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Usually Keeps Me Up All Night
Citation:   IlIlIll. "Usually Keeps Me Up All Night: An Experience with Diphenidine (exp115949)". Dec 15, 2021.

70 - 150 mg   Diphenidine
Retrospective Summary

This is a summary of my experience with Diphenidine after ordering 10g from a rc vendor. I've been using somewhat regularly on a 3-5 day a week basis for about a month now. There has definitely been a tolerance build up that seems to cross over to other dissociatives. This substance can be very stimulating and usually keeps me up all night.

What I would characterize as the Diphenidine "hole" is a mildly dysphoric state in which I consistently had the sense of joining what I would describe as a "God conscience" in which I seem to recall that I have grown old and been born countless times in every human form and in remembering this I get the feeling of "Here we go again" as the cycle repeats for the countless time in creation. Largely an enjoyable state, although lends itself to having black outs.

At one point I had to decrease the frequency of my use in conjunction with moderating use of nicotine and caffeine as I began to have concerns about the health of my heart
I had to decrease the frequency of my use in conjunction with moderating use of nicotine and caffeine as I began to have concerns about the health of my heart
as some nights I would lie down with the sense that my heart was pounding out of my chest. One reason I chose this compound over traditional Arylcyclohexylamines is due to the risk of urinary complications of which I have experienced none. Thankfully.

As my tolerance has gone up I've found myself unable to have hole experiences at my standard dose which I've chosen not to exceed. Can't say I miss the black outs, but sometimes might enjoy holing. Also have noticed that at times high pitched sounds seem very loud to the point of becoming piercing and painful. Final note, sex is quite enjoyable as long as your partner can handle you.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115949
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Dec 15, 2021Views: 627
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Diphenidine (630) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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