I Feel the Positive and Negative Effects Immediately
Citation:   Eshays. "I Feel the Positive and Negative Effects Immediately: An Experience with Cocaine (exp115961)". Erowid.org. Jan 6, 2022. erowid.org/exp/115961

  IV Cocaine
Shooting Coke

Injecting cocaine is by far the most intense, euphoric, and pleasurable high. The aftereffects and damage to the body are equally as strong, I would never do it again but even now years later the memory of the feeling stays with me. I’ve also tried meth and heroin as well as other hard drugs, they never really did it for me which I’m glad since they are significantly cheaper than coke.

It was the first drug I had IV’d though I was desensitized to using needles, since I’ve been administering actual medication that way for years.

I push down on the needle and within a few seconds I start to hear a ringing referred to as the ‘bell ringer’, a sort of tinnitus, then my entire body starts vibrating with euphoria like being on a roller coaster. It’s simultaneously overwhelming in intensity but relaxing. My mind rushes with sexual thoughts and there is an extremely strong feeling of being horny, probably the purest form of it. The mind races to show solutions to all my life problems. But before I can appreciate any of this I start coming down with only one thing in mind, to use more.

The comedown is equally the worst I think it’s humanly possible to feel. It feels like I’ve been abandoned on a desert island, watching my friends and any hope of survival disappear.

From when I tried it, I had a 3-month period where I would use it on several occasions but because of the poly-drug use nature of my habit and the need to use benzos/opiates to maintain some sanity after, I eventually got to a point where I had to stop everything
because of the poly-drug use nature of my habit and the need to use benzos/opiates to maintain some sanity after, I eventually got to a point where I had to stop everything
. I’ve relapsed on opiates since but not IV coke.

In a way, I feel that IV coke use is as transparent as the hard drug experience goes. What I mean by this is that I feel the positive and negative effects immediately, there is no delusional period like with opiates or something like meth where one becomes psychologically dependent on it before a proper addiction starts.

I’m grateful I never got addicted to it, would not recommend trying it.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115961
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jan 6, 2022Views: 882
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Cocaine (13) : Combinations (3), Hangover / Days After (46), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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