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Boredom and a Late Night Fright
2C-B & Alprazolam
Citation:   UKpsyche. "Boredom and a Late Night Fright: An Experience with 2C-B & Alprazolam (exp116087)". Feb 12, 2022.

22 - 30 mg oral 2C-B (pill / tablet)
  1 tablet oral Pharms - Alprazolam  
I'm experienced with substances, having had a hefty period of cannabis use in my teens, a few LSD and MDMA experiences and some Amphetamines use. Having had a child in my twenties I went through a period of abstinence for 20 years and recently started a new journey of discovery in pursuit of self therapy.

I microdose Mushrooms and sometimes LSD which has helped with low moods and depression and given me deeper insights into critical thinking. I recently became acquainted with 2C-B via the internet and thought I'd give it a try to see what, if any benefit could be obtained from its use. Shulgin felt it had promise as a therapeutic tool and I wanted to see for myself. Having had a very nice experience with it in a spa setting, with a hot tub and chatting to people, I felt like I could handle it again.

My mindset was probably not the best, I felt somewhat annoyed with my present situation, bored and a little careless.
My mindset was probably not the best, I felt somewhat annoyed with my present situation, bored and a little careless.
I had a tab of 2C-B sat on the table next to me for a few hours and swallowed it down in the manner of someone who starts spinning the chamber on a revolver with one round in a chamber and puts it to their head and pulls the trigger, it was stupid and just an act of disregard and boredom.

The tabs are meant to be 30MG but as to the actual real content it could be varied as we all know, these things tend to be done in a slap dash manner, I could well have had what may have been a well over weighted sample.

It was 12:30AM, I had been gaming on the PC and I started to feel the effects after 30 mins, it came on pretty gently at first, I felt quite cold and colours seemed more vivid. Unlike the occasion prior, there seemed an unenjoyable element to the experience, almost a kind of woozy-headedness that just seemed out of character. The drifting effects and tracers were there, the TV was on and I just felt a little bit distracted and unadjusted to the experience. I had a false sense of confidence from enjoying the experience before, this was definitely not feeling good.

I was watching the TV and in the same way a CD that is scratched creates a digital "skip" effect when it skips the TV picture did something similar, only it wasnt just the TV it seemed like reality itself skipped, almost as if time had just jolted after getting stuck. This heightened my sense of fear, whilst I knew it was just an effect of the drug I still couldnt fathom why I felt nervous, I put it down to the fear of what might happen next that could be similarly scary.

I sat on the sofa shaking physically, here in the UK at the moment its close to 0 degrees so I turned up the heat. I was still shaking for a good while before I decided this wasnt going to level out on its own so took a Xanax and put some music on. Despite feeling some fear and physically not being able to tolerate the energy I was thinking clearly enough to evaluate things, I felt like I'd been taught a lesson about my attitude and that sometimes boredom is not a good catalyst for an enjoyable psychedelic experience. Almost like the eternal powers of the universe had told me "so you want to play with reality, because your bored? Ok then, see how you like these tricks" which I didn't, in fact it scared the shit out of me, for which I couldnt explain why because I was perfectly aware of the fact that it was all drug-induced.

I got in the shower, all the while feeling overly aware of my impaired state but enjoying the shower all the same. I wish I could explain why I felt scared, even now with a sober mind I can't quite put my finger on it but having read so many experience reports about 2C-B it seems highly unlikely to cause a bad trip, to be fair in comparison to a bad LSD trip I had it was nowhere near as frightening but I will definitely approach this substance with a lot more respect in future. So whilst most reports give 2C-B a big thumbs up I would like to add some caution, its certainly not as harmful as LSD when it goes wrong but if I hadn't had Xanax on hand it could have been a very long four hours until it wore off.

The TLDR: Don't do 2C-B when you're pissed off and bored, it might not be a good time.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116087
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Feb 12, 2022Views: 437
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2C-B (52) : Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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