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No Time for Me to Properly Understand
by LST
Citation:   LST. "No Time for Me to Properly Understand: An Experience with Fluorexetamine (exp116094)". Jul 1, 2022.

T+ 0:00
60 mg insufflated Fluorexetamine (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:55 110 mg insufflated Fluorexetamine (ground / crushed)
  T+ 1:13 45 mg insufflated Fluorexetamine (ground / crushed)
  T+ 12:03 205 mg insufflated Fluorexetamine (ground / crushed)
[Erowid Note: All samples of material sold as Fluorexetamine (FXE; 3-Fluoro-2-oxo PCE) and analyzed by Erowid's DrugsData service have contained other compounds, usually 2-Fluoro-2-oxo PCE.]
An Evening with FXE

3-F-2'-Oxo-PCE / Fluorexetamine / FXE has finally made a proper debut in the research chemical scene. After years of being rumored to exist, a batch that was cut with A-D2PV went into circulation within the past year. More recently, a proper pure batch of FXE began making it's rounds and I was lucky enough to get a small sample of it to test out. Because of the elusive nature of this drug, I had set my expectations very low as I was fed up with the amount of controversy surrounding it's existence. People claiming it couldn't exist, the first batch to be sold being cut with a cathinone, people dismissing it as an unremarkable substance, etc. But my sample recently arrived and I decided to form my own opinion on what this substance is like.

This batch of FXE was in the form of dense, translucent white crystals. Very much reminiscent of the earlier crystal batches of 2-FDCK that were around a couple years ago. As with other arylcyclohexylamines, I decided that the most standard route of administration would be insufflation. Potency as reported by others who have tried FXE is supposedly similar to Ketamine, so I decided to start off by scaling out 60mg. These crystals are very tight, dense, hard to break crystals. While a substance like 3-ho-pcp or MDMA can be easily crushed with a plastic card, this batch of FXE is very sturdy. I ended up using a metal beer bottle cap to crush it up and it was much more effective. after getting it into a line of powder, I insufflated it through a small metal straw.

4:30pm - 60mg insufflated. Quite easy on the nose, comparable to Ketamine. Not as intense of a flavor, has a salty, almost yeasty flavor to it. Drip is very mellow compared to most other nose drugs.
4:40pm - Effects are starting to set in. So far it feels very similar to Ketamine. Ever so slightly more stimulating than ketamine.
4:50pm - Drip has fully begun hitting, quite a bit more bitter than the initial taste. slight visual tracers. Not any remarkable CEVs (I have HPPD so it can be hard to tell at times)
4:55pm - Overall feeling of satisfaction and euphoria, as well as enhanced music appreciation. Very fine static-like visuals that react to light. Not much physical inhibition or sensations from this dose. I have a decently high dissociative tolerance at the moment so that likely plays a factor. This substance may require higher doses for effects that begin to properly warp reality.
5:00pm - I decide it's time to increase the dose soon.
5:25pm - 110mg insufflated
5:35pm - Very liquid feeling. So flowy. Everything feels so gelatinous. Euphoric physical and psychological sensations, music is whimsical sounding. It's very much comparable to the physical feelings from other dissociatives, but much more "loose" and liquid-like overall.
5:40pm - I feel an overwhelming urge to dance while I am listening to music
5:43pm - 45mg insufflated
5:45pm - This substance definitely has a gentle aspect to it. It encourages the user to recall uncomfortable thoughts and analyze them, work through them. I begin recalling difficult and uncomfortable memories, but am able to responsibly try to process them without being self-deprecating.
This substance definitely has a gentle aspect to it. It encourages the user to recall uncomfortable thoughts and analyze them, work through them. I begin recalling difficult and uncomfortable memories, but am able to responsibly try to process them without being self-deprecating.
This is one of the most therapeutic parts of the headspace from Arylcyclohexylamines, and FXE certainly delivers in this aspect.

After this first experience, I had to get ready to go out for the night and couldn't go any further dosage-wise. The remainder of the experience began to taper off within about an hour or so, with the remainder of effects lingering for another 2-3hours before I returned to baseline. Much, much later in the night I returned home and decided to dive deeper. I wanted to see what the "hole," or out-of-body experience type effects would be like with this substance. My initial notes I tried to take during this experience were hilariously incomplete.

"4:33am - scaled out 205mg
4:41am - chopped into lines and beginning to insufflate
5:41am - i cannot begin to describe what i just experienced"

Now with a clear, sober head after the experience I can try to recall what happened. I chopped the 205mg up into powder and made several smaller lines out of it and slowly worked my way through it as I sat at my desk and listened to music. Shortly after I finished the last line, I could feel the full effects of this dose beginning to hit me. There were very prominent visual distortions in the room around me, my computer monitor appearing to vibrate, the walls appearing to stretch and distort ever so slightly. Visual tracers, motion blur, after-images, and light-reactive pattern visuals were becoming very prominent. My room was beginning to take on the form of an MC Escher painting. I decided to lay in my bed and close my eyes, as I knew I was in for an out-of-body experience.

The closed eye visuals were not particularly bright or colorful, mainly consisting of darker greens, purples, and blues upon a black background. Cubic patterns interlocked with fibres that almost resembled muscle tissue. Within moments, I was whisked away into a dissociative hole. It felt as if I was reduced to microscopic particles and transported through a beam of light. I was passing through strange worlds, as well as more mundane worlds. At one point I was being whisked through a non-euclidian cityscape, while moments later I was panning over a view of kitchen cabinetry.
I was passing through strange worlds, as well as more mundane worlds. At one point I was being whisked through a non-euclidian cityscape, while moments later I was panning over a view of kitchen cabinetry.
These worlds were different than what I saw from previous Ketamine and 3-HO-PCP experiences that reached this point. More incomprehensible, more fast-paced, almost no time for me to properly understand what any of this meant. My headspace at this time was incredible. There was this incomparable feeling of bliss, as if all of my issues living in this twisted modern society no longer mattered. While I was in this state, I had a newfound love for life, myself, and the world around me. This might be the most profound introspective/antidepressant effect that I've found from a dissociative thus far.

I continued to explore my own mind as well as these strange realms that I was perceiving through this out-of-body experience for a while, until I began feeling as though my ethereal form had now been transported along a wave of music itself. I was trying to comprehend this music, though I could hardly understand what it was or make out a single word of the lyrics. Suddenly, I was back in reality. I opened my eyes and went to my desk. I was still very much under the effects of the FXE but there was not as much physical inhibition as Ketamine, 3-HO-PCP, or DXM. The music that had been playing towards the end of that experience was "The Interworld and The New Innocence" by Praxis. That same song had given me an almost identical experience towards the end of a K-hole, it almost acts as a carrier wave of sorts for some odd reason. This was the point where I had written "i cannot begin to describe what i just experienced" in my notes as that experience had absolutely blown my mind. Ketamine had not delivered an experience that profound to me in a very long time, not since my very first K-hole experience. 3-HO-PCP had brought me close to that level of experience, but not without making it feel like I had broken reality itself in the process.

FXE's upper dosage levels felt like I got to experience a K-hole for the first time all over again, but more abstract and strange.
FXE's upper dosage levels felt like I got to experience a K-hole for the first time all over again, but more abstract and strange.
The euphoric headspace during the experience was incredible and complimented the strong self-reflective and antidepressant effects. The body high is energetic and would definitely lend well to dancing, socializing, partying, and other similar activities. The most impressive part to me was how similar in potency and duration this substance is to Ketamine. Definitely on the safer end of newer arylcyclohexylamines, being that it's not particularly high-potency or mania inducing. Someone who enjoys Ketamine but wants something a bit more stimulating and psychedelic would certainly enjoy this substance. Only time will tell, but this might be my new favorite dissociative.
Only time will tell, but this might be my new favorite dissociative.

Be safe, have fun, respect the mind and body

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116094
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jul 1, 2022Views: 4,772
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Fluorexetamine (967) : Alone (16), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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