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Citation:   benzoboi. "Fanax: An Experience with Flubrotizolam (exp116187)". Mar 31, 2022.

Took one bar which equals 0.5mg of Flubrotizolam. I was having lots of trouble sleeping lately and benzos are my sort of last resort to help me relax and fall asleep.


Onset is about 30 minutes, been a while so not totally sure on exact timing. The thing I really like about this benzo is that it has a really smooth onset and also a really smooth plateau. In my experience other benzos like diazepam and etizolam are far more dangerous because the effects peak in like a 90 minute window. After that I always very suddenly come down and even though I know I'm not sober, the effects decay to such an extent that the impulse to take more is really strong. In addition the lack of anxiety makes it even more likely to use a lot more than initially intended.

I dont experience that at all with Flubrotizolam. It's effects are really smooth and I always feel that for my purpose, which is to relax and sometimes also still socialize a bit, 1 bar is enough. Another note to make is that it really fades away my stress, so if my stress has been keeping me awake for a long time, it will make me really tired and sleepy. Maybe even more so than temazepam.

After effects/Side Effects:

The next day I wake up feeling quite rested and relaxed. I do feel like towards the end of the day it does cause a slightly unusual spike in anxiety where I suddenly get really scared and anxious about something that I usually also feel but to a far weaker extent. Now I'm not really sure if it just makes me more aware of the anxiety that is already somewhere deep down already there or that it just amplifies it. Though for me this trade-off is still worth it because of the relaxation it gives me a whole evening. I usually journal or share my anxiety with a friend and after that it fades in intensity fairly quickly.

Didnt really experience any irritability or other symptoms.


Havent really explored the boundaries of this substance, highest dose I've tried was one bar because it perfectly suited the intended effects. So I cant really say anything on other side effects such as memory loss that is quite common with other benzos. To me this benzo feels like a promising substitute for substances like diazepam or temazepam for relaxation and with less potential to be abused but still DYOR.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116187
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Mar 31, 2022Views: 2,870
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