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Thoughts on This, This One Has Merit
Citation:   idontcare. "Thoughts on This, This One Has Merit: An Experience with 1V-LSD (exp116224)". Erowid.org. Mar 27, 2022. erowid.org/exp/116224

300 ug oral 1V-LSD (blotter / tab)
Mindset and setting for this were:

Mindset - One of interest, one of experience, curious and inquisitive.
Setting - My humble abode for want of a better expression.

So the initial dose was a tab. 150ug 9x9 can't be sold as anything else, 1V-LSD and the molecule stamped all over it.

With a another about 30 minutes later, on the thought that if this is going to be experienced.
Show me who you are.
What makes you any different than the others?

I have to say that this one is. Although not as clean an experience as LSD. I would say that it is comparatively a little rougher? On the come up as opposed to actual LSD and other analogs. Although AL-LAD saying that for me, was horrible. This however for me has merit in its own right.

None of these analogs of the original have been the same. Be that in duration, mindset, visuals, perceptional changes, thought processing... What can I say?

The come up is not nearly as smooth as actual acid. This took approximately 1 hour to come into effect.
The come up is not nearly as smooth as actual acid. This took approximately 1 hour to come into effect.
Being that it is something that apparently is broken down into LSD. That the body basically breaks down the "what ever" they had to stick on the end of it. The process involved within your body in order to do that is what I would consider to be called "body load". It's a very distinguishable feature of these analogs, not cerebral clean like that of true LSD. 1P-LSD was comparatively smoother and easier and funnier. More similar in nature to LSD but still not LSD.

The body load on this one is definitely not unpleasant though, perhaps a little rough but depends what you are up to... perhaps ideal for something to experiment with a partner? But not as light.

Definitely a warm one though in nature.

2 hours in I am definitely aware that something is coursing through my system. Visually? Yeah some pretty cool undeniably lyseric in nature. At points arguably very similar to LSD.

3 hours in

For me though, The headspace.

The headspace these lysergamides if that is how you spell it provide. They are powerful thinking tools. I think there is definitely use for this in micro dosing as well as macro dosing.

However it will never be LSD. Less of everything in comparison to 300ug of clean LSD.

I will say that it does provide one with the insights, should one choose to take them on board. This one is more of a thinker than others. And shorter in duration for sure... Definite moments of clarity, knowing what needs to be done next, what's working in life and what is not etc... Quite motivating in fact at times, energizing for sure. Pretty cool compound.

4-6 hours in. The headspace and some visual disturbances motivated and feeling energized knowing what needs to be done

8 hours just headspace... That reflective, introspection.

What am I here for? Hopefully to provide some education or insights to those to follow. Maybe why I'm choosing to write this whoever may read it.

This compound is shorter in duration, less visual, less thought loopy, less trippy, but yet... Thought provoking, at times Very visual, energizing and motivating.

It wont ever be LSD although an interesting compound to explore. An interesting addition to the family with its own merits. Distinct from LSD and 1P-LSD and the others I have tried.

I think they went way out there in the wrong direction on the 1P-ETH-LAD. Or the others that didn't agree with me at all.

But that's what happens when you have to go into competition with big pharma, the government... The legitimate monopoly on violence basically. That's all they are. Bullies, in a world that could very much do without more of or support in. Unable to just sell legitimate, safe, unadulterated product. Forced into researching for new alternatives.

To all those trying to make a living off selling peace and understanding at $5 a hit.

Valerie is alright by me.
Your work continues to astound me

A novel compound.

One love

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116224
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Mar 27, 2022Views: 1,788
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