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Uncharted Catalyst
Citalopram (Celexa), DXM, Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   Jammy99. "Uncharted Catalyst: An Experience with Citalopram (Celexa), DXM, Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp11624)". Sep 20, 2007.

40 mg oral Pharms - Citalopram (daily)
Thought it might be interesting to some how Celexa (or maybe antidepressants in general) can affect certain drugs in combination. I have taken low doses before, and have worked my way up to very high doses of dxm, cannabis and mushrooms at separate times, all while on 40mg celexa daily.

DXM: The highest dose I've hit is 600mg of pure dxm powder. If you're familiar with a regular dose like this, celexa has made dxm trips much more abstract and jumpy. I find myself losing my touch with reality altogether. At 600mg there were times where I would forget where I was and who I was. Like I had to explain to myself my own life. Visuals were cut down a lot, now just a jumple of fuzziness compared to before taking celexa at all. I am convinced that celexa has drastically reduced the excitement and euphoria of a trip, although it is still fun.

CANNABIS: The most I smoked was 2 medium sized bowls of very nice chronic, and the trip was almost not worth doing. My body was shaking hard and I felt like the back of my head was buzzing or being electrocuted. I have smoked much more weed before celexa and never had this. I was very paranoid, and normally I have trouble keeping thoughts together, but now it was like not controlling my thoughts at all. It reminded me more of a disassociative and I felt totally out of body and mind, so I forced myself to go to sleep. However at smaller doses I still have a good time.

MUSHROOMS: This is the most drastically affected. Celexa has all but ruined mushroom use for me, and has almost convinced me to stop taking it just because. Normally 3 grams was enough to have open eye visuals, life impacting thoughts and intense euphoria and positive outlook. Now it is almost like getting drunk. I feel funny and kind of stupid, but not enlightened or any of the 'magical' mushroom feelings. I have taken 8 grams at once now and still I might as well have taken 5 or better yet none because the effects are more like alcohol combined with being energetic. What a waste.

Hope that helps anyone who is deciding about taking an antidepressant but not sure. If you enjoy your usage as it is, don't ever start, cause it changes EVERYTHING. Peace.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11624
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 20, 2007Views: 18,224
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SSRIs (396), Pharms - Citalopram (227), Cannabis (1), Mushrooms (39), DXM (22) : Not Applicable (38), Combinations (3)

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