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That Evil Trip
Citation:   Doozer. "That Evil Trip: An Experience with LSD (exp116244)". Nov 8, 2022.

2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
This is a trip report from way back because due to a trip I took AFTER this one, I stopped using LSD entirely. I was going to write about that horrifying trip, but this one is much more interesting.

I was with my boyfriend and a group of friends that I partied with all the time, and the trip took place in our apartment. The first hint of much strangeness to come was the acid itself. They were purple and green pyramids with an eye on them, but somehow they were evil looking, and they were STRONG. I think we all took 2, and this trip came on quick, no hour wait with these guys, I felt it in 20 minutes and knew I was in for a heavy trip. I'll probably reference this more than once in my report but this stuff was SPEEDY, and the entire trip had this crazy manic edge to it. So our plans for the night were to psych out our friends by watching the Manga "legend of the overfiend " which at the time, in the mid 90s was the most evil and fucked up thing we had ever seen! Basically it's about these demons that are trying to take over the world and it is GRAPHIC. There are too many tentacle rape scenes to count, it's gory as hell, and just feels like the ultimate evil, in a manic cartoon colored way. Well, we watched this thing while peaking and it freaked us out, obviously, but not in a bad trip kind of way, it just made me hyper aware of how much evil there was in the world and I was trying to figure out what exactly was WRONG with the creator of this atrocity! I was tripping balls and we for real, were living in a haunted house, there had been a murder suicide there years back and the house itself was scary to live in and it was freaking all of us out. We had adapted a sort of buddy system where we went nowhere in the house alone, even the bathroom which was the freakiest room in the house.

Suddenly my boyfriend says "we're tripping so hard that someone could come up here and murder us and there would be nothing we could do about it!" Now this spooked the hell out of me, and made me even more paranoid than usual when on acid. There was this one scene in the movie where a demon embodies a girl that was just slaughtered and then her face melts off and I could not look at anyone's face for the rest of the night because I kept thinking everyone looked evil and I was really afraid that I would see their faces melt off too! Our weed guy came over to hook us up but refused to stay because we were freaking him out from being so manic and obsessed with evil at this point. Naturally I looked at myself in the mirror and looked like a demonic cartoon, imagine that! I remember being more fascinated with the concept of evil than scared of it, and THAT thought alone freaked me out too! This went on all night and as the sun was starting to rise, we were all looking out the large front window of our second storey apartment and there was this guy walking down the street looking very weird and we were talking about how "off" he looked when he suddenly stopped and looked right at us! He had black holes for eyes and a demonic grin on his face and started to cross the street and approach our house! I remembered what my boyfriend said about someone coming up here to murder us and I flew off the couch to check all the locks while my friends grabbed baseball bats and knives just in case. When I went back to the window, evil dude was just gone. I was convinced he was going to break in and kill us all, but as time passed, I realized that was highly unlikely.

This trip lasted for about 15 hours and was evil the whole way through. Even though, I did not consider it to be a BAD trip at all, just manic cartoonish evil. It still sticks out in my mind almost 25 years after the fact.

Exp Year: 1995ExpID: 116244
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Nov 8, 2022Views: 303
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LSD (2) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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