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Acolyte of the Temple of Bass
Citation:   bindingaffinity. "Acolyte of the Temple of Bass: An Experience with Methallylescaline (exp116261)". Apr 8, 2022.

T+ 0:00
30 mg oral Methallylescaline (capsule)
  T+ 0:45 20 mg oral Methallylescaline (capsule)
I recently made a pilgrimage to see my favorite artist perform a DJ set at a small nightclub. I say "pilgrimage" deliberately, since my relationship with his music is at least partially spiritual.

I wanted to make it a very special night, so I selected a substance that I had no prior experience with, but which seemed to fit the setting given other reports I had read.

I took a dose of 30mg MAL in a gelcap at 7 PM. Only 15 minutes in, I began to feel alerts—a familiar sense of anticipation, coupled with a pleasurable sense of shivering over my body. 45 minutes later, not much else had happened, other than a growing amount of nausea and a bit of cognitive impairment, so I took a booster dose of 20mg, and added on 2mg of ondansetron. Soon, my nausea was abated, and I began to feel the full strength of the compound. Shivers of pleasure continued to rush over my body, and I felt giddy and childlike.

On reaching the concert venue, I noticed I had a bit of difficulty with sequencing actions and getting around. This difficulty would cease once I hit the dancefloor, but would resume any time I had to walk, e.g. to get a drink of water or go use the bathroom.

I had a stream of pseudo-philosophical thoughts, but they didn't feel especially important to the experience as a whole. To put it in the most overintellectualized way possible, the experience is focused on the interoceptive, vestibular, proprioceptive, and tactile senses. To put it in the substance's own terms, it's about shaking your ass. (At least in the context of the dancefloor where I was.) While my intellectual or higher mind was chattering away, my body was able to get to the real work.
While my intellectual or higher mind was chattering away, my body was able to get to the real work.

I was able to hold down a conversation when a couple at the concert approached me. I was less socially anxious than I would usually be, but my auditory processing was a lot worse. However, the conversation took me out of my reverie and out of the experience of the music. It almost felt like the magic had vanished, especially when the two got in a mild argument in front of me. Fortunately, that soon ended and when I began to focus on the music again, the magic was back.

I felt like an acolyte on a pilgrimage to the holy shrine of music, witnessing the healing powers of very loud bass. Although many of the people in the room surely did not share my beliefs about the spiritual role of music, they were worshiping it just as I did in their dance.

As the set ended and the crowds dwindled, I tried to get an opportunity to meet the musician, but I didn't really feel assertive enough to talk to him, and my ears were ringing heavily, so I missed the opportunity. For similar reasons I didn't talk to any of the other revelers. This is probably my one regret from the night.

After getting home to a much more relaxing environment, my experience began to resemble a low dose of a classical psychedelic more and more, with mild visual effects with both open and closed eyes, although the CEVs were more similar to the moiré patterns and impossible 4D objects of my dissociative experiences than the candy-colored fractals and highly detailed inner images of something like DOC or LSD. Sleep wasn't possible until 6 AM.

The next day, I didn't notice much in the way of aftereffects other than being extremely tired (which was as bit of a drag as I had plans with friends). A few days later, as I write this, I ache to recreate the magic I experienced again sometime, but I know lightning never really hits twice.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116261
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Apr 8, 2022Views: 1,275
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Methallylescaline (586) : Rave / Dance Event (18), Music Discussion (22), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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