Daily Use
by AB
Citation:   AB. "Daily Use: An Experience with Flualprazolam (exp116267)". Erowid.org. May 9, 2022. erowid.org/exp/116267

62.5 - 250 ug oral Flualprazolam (blotter / tab)
Daily Flualprazolam Use

I have been taking therapeutic doses of flualprazolam daily for a year straight. This is an effective drug. I took 10-20mg of Diazepam for about 10 years, slowly tapering down to 2mg diazepam per day until finally, after years of tapering, was able to be benzo free for years.

I found flualprazolam and tested it out. My first time I tried 1mg. I woke up the next day and was astonished how little I could remember. Quasi-blackout, I remembered I was driving around and did some shopping. I knew then that 1mg was far too much.
I knew then that 1mg was far too much.
I broke from it for a few weeks and then tried again with .25mg-.50mg. I was functional and didn’t really take it daily, but found it to be incredibly strong, and would make me extremely tired. I found myself going to bed around 7-8pm on this dosage.

After another tolerance break, I began experimenting with .125mg doses. I have the 1mg blotters, cut into 8 triangular pieces like microdosing. I have found that .125mg is just right for functioning through a stressful day. While there is some urge to redose, I will never exceed .250mg unless rarely needing more for recreational purposes. I would never ever exceed .375mg. I guess I’m microdosing this substance. One can easily get dependent on this and have withdrawals, blackouts, and amnesia. I’ve even had success with 62.5ug, or 1/16th of a 1mg blotter. It’s subtle, it’s nearly imperceptible even at larger doses. I strongly discourage exceeding .5mg in a 24hr period. Use caution.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116267
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 9, 2022Views: 1,235
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Flualprazolam (903) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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