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The Wrong Situation
Citation:   bagpuss. "The Wrong Situation: An Experience with LSD (exp11629)". Sep 8, 2020.

1 drop oral LSD (liquid)
  Couple hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)
Going back to about 5 months ago I had just finished my A level exams. They had caused me allot of stress, and I really wanted to take some thing that would 'get me out of this world' for a night. I went down to the local spot where I can usually buy drugs. The only thing I could get hold of was liquid acid (£2.50 for a drop). I wasn't too sure about doing this, because the only other big drug I had done was ecstasy- which I'd given up about 6 months before. I asked the guy selling it how it would affect me, he told me that it was similar to pill, I'd feel high and get slightly trippy effects.

We were supposed to be going to an 'illegal rave' type thing that night, but it was cancelled. Instead we agreed to go back to a mates house to get stoned. I thought this would be the ideal setting for taking something like Acid, so me and my friend had about a drop each. After taking it the group of people we were with decided to go to a party instead. Neither me or my friend knew the person having the party, but we were told it was cool for us to come along. A little bit apprehensively we started to walk up to the party. It took us about twenty minutes to get there, during this time I felt a slight high and buzz-the type of feelings I'd experienced during a pill. I felt ok, and was enjoying myself.

We got there and sat around with some people we didn't know skinning up and listening to music. After about an hour into taking the acid I was beginning to feel really paranoid. We were the only people at the party on Acid- everyone else was doing pills and smoking. I started to get really paranoid and was convinced everyone was talking about us. I sat there for ages watching them, feeling worse and worse. I turned to the guy next to me and told him what I was on- he reassured me that no one was talking about me, and told me I was crazy for doing liquid on my first time. The paranoia got a little too much, so I went outside to find someone we knew. About 2 hours had probably passed and I was experiencing slight loss of coordination, and general blurriness.

I found my mate and he gave me a spliff. I held it for so long that it went out and fell to the table. I could have sworn that I had been toking it and there was a hot cherry on the end, but I was apparently wrong. I then moved to a wall, it felt like I was melting into it and my body was just kinda flowing. After about two and a half hours into the trip everything just went insane, all my senses got confused, it felt like I was going mad. I could hear people talking around me, but couldn't understand/ comprehend what they were saying. It was like being a baby again.
I could hear people talking around me, but couldn't understand/ comprehend what they were saying. It was like being a baby again.

A friend of mine arrived at the party and I got really upset because I couldn't understand what the hell was going on, he stayed and hugged me for god knows how long. He then went away somewhere, and I felt like I'd lost someone, as if someone had died. I then sat there completely self absorbed staring at a plant for about 2 hours.

It was about 2 ish when my friend decided it was time for us to go. We got a lift to the centre of town, then had to wait for a taxi. It felt as if I was watching one of the movies where everything's speeding really fast leaving trails. It was about the time clubs were closing, so there hundreds of people, I have never been so scared in my life. They all seemed to have blurred out faces, and were walking around like robots.

We eventually got to my friend’s house. Even though it was freezing cold we sat outside for hours on end. My friend who’d also taken it was half in tears saying she just wanted someone to call an ambulance. We persuaded her that there were be no point, because everything she was experiencing was in her head/ system so there was nothing a doctor could do about it.
Everything was feeling really bleak and weird, the statue in the garden looked really creepy, and I could still see patterns and things going on in the sky. I asked my friend for a pencil and paper and drew weird patterns on the paper, I could see reflections and patterns which I was copying-looking at the paper now it just looks like a mess of monster pictures and scribble.

At about 6am we went to bed, we slept in the same room because we were both still pretty freaked out. I eventually fell asleep and slept a solid dreamless sleep for 6 hours then went back to my friend’s house. I barely said a word when I got to his, apparently I was dazed and out of it all day, and was running a big temperature. After I’d recovered I appreciated things allot more and became less lazy, I also was unable to smoke weed for about a week due to the fear of flashbacks. I’ve suffered slight depression and general unease recently, but I am not sure whether this is down to the acid, or my history of pills.

[Erowid Note: The term "acid" has been used as a common name for d-LSD since the 1960s. Although confusion associated with newer psychoactive substances has lead some people to use the term "acid" to refer to anything LSD-like or anything psychedelic on blotter or sold in drops, we believe this represents an error and not a useful evolution in language.]

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11629
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 8, 2020Views: 878
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LSD (2) : General (1), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Post Trip Problems (8), Various (28)

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