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Then a Sense That I Was Spinning
Pharmahuasca (Harmaline & DMT)
Citation:   Yogurt. "Then a Sense That I Was Spinning: An Experience with Pharmahuasca (Harmaline & DMT) (exp116334)". May 19, 2022.

T+ 0:00
175 mg oral Harmaline (freebase)
  T+ 1:00 45 mg oral DMT (extract)
First Pharmahuasca Experience

I took 175mg of freebase harmaline at 630pm then I took 45mg of DMT extracted from mimosa at 730.

At 8 I felt a little drowsy and off balance.

At 810 I started to feel a sense of motion. I put an eye cover on for like 30 minutes and had no visuals but had a strong sense that I was going up. Then a sense that I was spinning. I took off the mask and was feeling a little nauseous so I got in the shower. I ate some dragon fruit and blueberries and drank some water.

I started throwing up at 930.

Went to bed at like 1030 then the visuals came as I laid in bed with eyes closed. The visions started as geometric overlays and then I saw this crazy stuff coming that was super complex and seemed kind of malevolent. Then the colors became brighter but were kind of coming at me. Then I saw these visions of like Asian martial arts people. I kept seeing this god like thing that kind of defies explanation but it was like the source or something maybe the spirit of DMT. Idk but its something I recognized having smoked DMT quite a few times. Super cool idk if it faded out or if I fell asleep.

But at 130 I was up and hungry. It’s 230 now. Can’t sleep but no effects now.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116334
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 19, 2022Views: 635
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Pharmahuasca (822), Harmaline (314), DMT (18) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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