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Festival Nightmare
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   mirai. "Festival Nightmare: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp116351)". Oct 24, 2022.

T+ 0:00
1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:00 2 hits smoked Cannabis  
I went to an EDM festival last night with a group of four people I'd met over an app for raves, a couple of whom were also planning on tripping. I got really good energy from them even though I didn't know them too well, so I was expecting to have a great time. At around 3:30 PM, I went to the porta-potties to drop my 110 ug tab. For reference, I had done acid only once before, in my room while voice chatting with an experienced tripper, so my tolerance is low. It was a philosophical experience and I got very in my head, but it was still enjoyable. I wanted to try it at a festival because I'd heard of people having lots of fun, plus I knew I was going to love the music and the vibes of the fest.

At about 4:00-4:30, I was feeling the come up while listening to a set. The world was getting wavy and wobbly, in standard LSD fashion. I was having the time of my life, just running around and dancing in between sets. I got my first pash and ate some unappetizing snacks from a vendor. I went on the ferris wheel with one of my group mates, which was fucking amazing. This good energy went on for about 3.5 hours.

This was about the time I started experiencing negative symptoms. I was at the main stage just enjoying the music (one of the artists I was looking most forward to). Earlier, I randomly started thinking about e-mailing one of my professors whose class I am behind in, and it started stressing me out, so I'm at fault for leading my trip in a bad direction. I took a couple hits from my group mate's joint because I thought it may calm me down, but boy was I WRONG.

At this point I started feeling a bit paranoid, and people’s faces around me were distorting at a rapid rate. Thankfully I realized I was heading into bad trip territory and I told a member of the group. As soon as I said “I think I’m having a bad trip,” everything went into chaos. His face exploded across my field of vision and everything slowed down. I could hear my group members’ voices echoing around me in slow motion, and even though I turned around, it took a few seconds for me to see their faces. It was very odd, pretty much a state of limbo. The crowd in front of me seemed to freeze, like I was stuck in that point of time, but I could occasionally turn around and time would start moving again, albeit slower. They had pulled me away from the stage so I was standing farther back, but I could still see the lights and hear the music pretty well, which would help me later on in the trip. Time was going in loops, and I could see the people weaving in and out of my vision at points but everything still looked eerily the same. I was feeling really badly for putting a downer on my group’s night, which heightened the bad feelings. I was hyperfixating on one of my insecurities— the fact that I feel like I always am trying to make things about myself (even though I’m actively trying to avoid doing this). I told the group I was sorry for messing up their night and they were saying shit like “this is our night, too,” and “as soon as she said she was having a bad trip…” and “this is what I get for paying $150?” It just made me feel terrible.

At some points during the experience peoples’ faces were expanding and turning gray and every time I tried to go closer someone or some force was pulling me back, likewise if I tried to move backwards, I was being turned back around toward the stage by the people around me. Occasionally I would talk to them and apologize for ruining their nights. Eventually (I had lost total perception of time at this point and my phone was in my locker, so I can’t say when) I realized there was some sort of emergency service looking after me, some guys dancing along with me and a small ring of medical professionals surrounding me. I think they were choreographing something because people kept dancing and walking around my field of vision, and I could hear some guys saying “what are we supposed to be doing again?” and someone was commenting, “yeah people forget you’re on it for like 12 hours and it can go wrong” so these people must have been informed about what was going on. This helped me a bit, and I started being able to control my experience a bit more, and I started sort of playing with the visual distortions, although sometimes things would go out of control. I could still hear the music and I was just vibing to it and dancing in place, so I knew I had some semblance of control.

I was having a bad trip, but I still somehow ended up having a good time just experiencing the visual distortions. It was pretty scary, but I think I was able to mostly turn it around at the end. The bad trip mostly was over by the time the festival was over, around 11 PM; it was as if the last set had ended it. I walked back to my locker and got my phone and backpack and headed back to the metro to be picked up by my ride. I was following some cool people and offered one of the dudes a pash.

I don’t think I’m ever going to combine weed and acid again.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116351
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Oct 24, 2022Views: 413
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Cannabis (1), LSD (2) : Festival / Lg. Crowd (24), Bad Trips (6), Combinations (3)

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