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Trying to Ride the Dragon Again
MDMA & Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine)
Citation:   New Age Philosopher. "Trying to Ride the Dragon Again: An Experience with MDMA & Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine) (exp116427)". Jan 8, 2023.

T+ 7:00
0.5 mg oral Etizolam  
  T+ 0:00 150 mg oral MDMA (capsule)
Preamble: This report is a retrospective account of my personal experience of trying to maximise the benefits/enjoyment of MDMA by itself as well as in combination with other drugs with harm reduction at the forefront. I will also document my latest experience with MDMA with dextroamphetamine. Now 31 years old and in my 8th year of still thoroughly enjoying MDMA responsibly since I started at 24. By responsible I mean using it approximately 3-4 times a year and never exceeding 200mg total per session.

I thought it would be important to pass on the knowledge I’ve learnt from this joyous and enlightening drug and add to the human collective so we can enjoy and use this drug as safely as possible.

After a handful of uses of MDMA I notice the ‘magic’ went away, it was all still very enjoyable. So I explored extensively with candy flipping and nexus flipping to add sparks to MDMA, basically I rarely did MDMA on its own.

I do it right, so I can do it less often! As an aside, after my trawling through of loads of forums posts and trip reports and from my personal experiences the following timing stands true for candy flipping and Nexus flipping to ensure max benefit/fun and minimise poor experiences:

Candyflipping: T0: LSD
Nexus flipping: T0: MDMA
+T2:30: 2C-B (or slightly longer, the more MDMA one takes the longer one should wait, best to be patient).

Having dabbled with various flips I did reminisce and wanted to get the old school MDMA feel, like the feeling I had the first few times I had it. In recent years MDMA has left me feeling dreamy and slightly lethargic, my legs felt sluggish. I wanted to ‘ride the dragon’ again. I remembered in the past when I had MDMA pills must have had speed in them (amphetamine, maybe methamphetamine).

This report will know focus on my experience with MDMA and dextroamphetamine or dexamphetamine (Brandname: dexedrine), NB: this is NOT Adderall, similar but different. There is not much data about this combination and the dosages people use are wide ranging. So for harm reduction purposes I thought it important to write a report about it, when used with very low doses.

So I thought why not add some the cleanest speed I can get to MDMA? Dexamphetamine is a medication for people with ADHD (where a standard adult dose is 5mg). From my research I read very mixed reviews about this combo (usually MDMA and Adderall, note Adderall is 75% dextromaphetamine plus 25% of another form of speed). I also learnt from the research that the amphetamine dosages commonly associated with negative reports consistently correlated with abhorrently high doses, like about 50mg or more, or people do who lines of speed or dab from the bag dose. These doses are way too high to mix with MDMA in my opinion!

T0: Three of us (Bro, Psycho T and I) took 150mg MDMA (purity tested to about 80%, grinded up crystals in capsule) and 10mg (2 tablets) of dextroamphetamine together. At a trance music event.

+T0:15: We felt it coming on already! Psycho T dry heaved a few times as he usually does with the MDMA come up. He couldn’t believe it was working already.

+T:0:30: We were supercharged! Screaming and jumping around as we entered the music hall. Everything was dreamy with a lot of visual distortion, and the bass in the music was palpable, I could feel it in my whole being. The best part was I was dancing effortlessly, like the few times I rode the dragon on MDMA. We looked at each other and with the biggest grin and as if in synchronicity ‘I can’t feel my legs.’ In all the best way I couldn’t feel my legs. I was full of energy and dancing effortlessly, by that I mean imagine walking down an escalator that is moving upwards.
I was full of energy and dancing effortlessly, by that I mean imagine walking down an escalator that is moving upwards.

+T1: This sense of well being and pure energy cannot be matched by just MDMA on its own.

In all this amazement and fun I did notice that the dextroamphetamine took away a bit of the empathy, connected, lovey feelings from MDMA. This is definitely a negative, but for us as older ravers who are lifelong friends didn’t mind the new experience. The music and physical sensation was awesome, being able to mentally zone into a track and demolish it with energetic dancing with such mental clarity that dextroamphetamine allowed for was very enjoyable. I didn't get literally as lost in the song as I do normally with MDMA, where I don’t even know what song is playing, the dreamstate, or otherwise sometimes known as munting.

+T3: I’m coming down but there no rough edge to it. I’m still physically great just the music doesn’t sound as good.

+T5: Event finished. Psycho T did not even one rest stop, the whole night which is no mean feat. He said he could go for another 2 hours. None us redosed MDMA. We were happy with where we’re at.

+T7: Took 0.5mg of Etizolam and slept well.

For dancing all night and enjoying the music with precise focus this combo is a winner. Less lovey dovey with the people around me and it made me want to do my own thing a bit more (the hedonistic side to it). Great for a rave, not so much as at house party or smaller gathering.

Definitely an amazing experience, but I wouldn’t go above 10mg as any more would start masking the effects of MDMA too much.

After effects the week later is no different to MDMA alone for me.

Stay safe, exude joy, love life!

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116427
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Jan 8, 2023Views: 429
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MDMA (3), Amphetamines (6) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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