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Slight Head Change, Feeling Reasonably Stoned
Citation:   Squabnt. "Slight Head Change, Feeling Reasonably Stoned: An Experience with THC-O-Acetate (exp116431)". Erowid.org. Jun 15, 2022. erowid.org/exp/116431

First Experiments With THC-O-Acetate

I have many years of experience with edibles and smoking/vaping D8 and D9 THC as well as various CBD derivatives. I've used Psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, and DMT many many times as well.

I purchased a few THC-O-Acetate shots off an online hemp retail website. The reason behind this purchase is THC-O-Acetate is often described as a more potent, slightly psychedelic version of THC. It's legal to purchase online, I was able to grab a bottle for 6 dollars, so I got 4.

Below is my experience, with timestamps showing how long after the dose the note was made.

50mg (5pm start)
00:15 : slight head change but probably placebo

00:40 : things are starting to look a little bit less "real" and I feel ever so slightly light-headed, similar to the come up of a traditional psychedelic. No significant body change.

01:00 : No visuals worth mentioning, though everything does seem a tiny bit off in an indescribable way. So far everything is very close to D9THC, but with stronger effects than I would expect from 50mg.

02:30 : At this point, I'm beginning to think the psychedelic effects of THC-O are overhyped. I may need to use more to see proper visuals. It is similar to doing a microdose of some traditional psychedelic along with a dab. The high is mostly isolated to my head, it is mildly euphoric.

Around this time, I had to do some manual labor for almost 2 hours which did a good job of sobering me up.

04:00 : I consume a normal THC dab, almost all psychedelic effects gone.

The THC-O shot was more euphoric than a THC drink of the same dose would have been. Some aspects of the psychedelic effect reminded me of microdoses of psilocybin mushrooms and others of LSD, it was unique and pleasant regardless.

100mg (3:30pm start)

00:20 : Slight head change again, reminds me of when I take mushrooms or acid and I feel a little tingle way before the trip starts to ramp up. Friends have similar experiences with it, may still be a placebo though.

01:00 : The same as the previous day, I am feeling reasonably stoned. I have a high tolerance to THC; 100mg of THC-O looks like a comfortable dose for me whereas I would use about 400mg worth of D9THC if I were drinking it in something.
100mg of THC-O looks like a comfortable dose for me whereas I would use about 400mg worth of D9THC if I were drinking it in something.

02:00 : I was expecting the psychedelic effects to be stronger, but honestly this isn't too different from the first time at all. Very similar to D9THC.

03:00 : The D9THC I used earlier could possibly be making the psychedelic effects weaker, or maybe you can get a tolerance specifically to THC-O, because I am having a very hard time picking out any feelings that I would in good faith describe as "psychedelic" past a faint microdose-y feeling, which is vastly overshadowed by how stoned I am.

05:00 : I do a dab of THC shatter and the psychedelic effects are entirely unnoticable.

Overall I would say it's enjoyable and worth trying but a little bit overpriced for 6 dollars per 50mg already in a drink. There is no testing available with the product, so I'm taking them at their word that it is in fact 50mg of THC-O-Acetate. It aligns with what I would expect from such, and I'm probably going to either buy more or find a new source of THC-O-Acetate to do a bigger dose or possibly vape.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116431
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jun 15, 2022Views: 2,720
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