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Bit of a Rollercoaster
H.B. Woodrose
Citation:   fingerlimes. "Bit of a Rollercoaster: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose (exp116501)". Sep 25, 2022.

4 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose
I am very much a novice when it comes to psychedelics and had only taken shrooms a couple of times prior to this. I had a handful of beers the night before but was on an empty stomach and no other substances going into it.

I took 4 seeds at around 9:15 am and jumped in the shower. Within about 40 minutes I was beginning to feel very nauseated and started experiencing a heady feeling. Dry heaved once but ultimately never vomited. The nausea was bad enough that I said fuck it and made and ate a sandwich.

I laid on my couch and about 1.5-2 hours after taking them, I was feeling intense waves of head rushes, I'm not sure how else to describe them, but it was a very euphoric feeling that I also experienced on mushrooms. I sat on my balcony and overlooked a garden and listened to Homeshake. I felt a great peace and euphoria and the world was a very beautiful place. I played some mario kart by myself and was having a tremendous time.

I then decided to have some popcorn and watch a movie. Bad decision. My swallowing was feeling a little weird, and I swallowed some popcorn wrong leaving my throat feeling off. I then spiraled and convinced myself that I had breathed a piece in. Did not make any logical sense, but in the moment I was kind of freaking out for a little. Calmed myself down eventually and rode out the rest of the experience which lasted something around 8 hours.

Noteworthy that I felt tired enough to nap the whole time but found myself unable to. I pissed probably 12 times despite not drinking that much water. Heart was beating much harder and faster than normal, breathing followed. Pupils dilated as hell.

Overall a very enjoyable experience, I am excited to explore further.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116501
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Sep 25, 2022Views: 275
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