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Just Above Threshold
Citation:   Dosmoche. "Just Above Threshold: An Experience with 1P-LSD (exp116509)". Aug 3, 2022.

37 ug sublingual 1P-LSD (blotter / tab)
I'm 44 and been in the process of recovering from a nervous breakdown two years ago after staying in a career for too long that was killing my spirit from the inside out. I’d been on prescription pharma anti-depressants etc for nearly two years but stopped their use about three months ago. In the last few months I have been using small amounts of psilocybin (micro dose), Salvia D. and LSD for introspection and journaling.

I came across some 1P-LSD online and took a risk on its efficacy, so only had 1/4 of a 150ug blotter. I do not use substances together and had not used any for over a week prior. My intention was to find greater appreciation and enjoy the day walking around the cultural part of the city.

I took this dose because in Albert Hofmann’s book – LSD My Problem Child, he recommends 1ug/per kg body weight. So I played it safe and halved it for a new supplier.

40 minutes after sublingual ingestion I noticed my swallowing was slightly laboured and body was becoming tingly and light. Two hours in I felt considerate of other people and was interested in their life story’s but kept to myself as I often do since the breakdown. After a meal at the Hindi place, I sat down on the grass in front of a police van used for processing less fortunate people that are known in the area, It was school holidays and a busker was singing at the same time. I called my dad on the phone and listened to him talk for about half an hour, noticing I laughed easier than usual, if at all.

My father is straight edge churchie and 1P is not legal here, but with the other ¾ tab in my pocket I felt perfectly comfortable in who I was, what and why I was doing and sitting comfortably with myself, just being me in the cool winter sun listening to the busker. My senses were slightly heightened, yet I could still concentrate on a conversation, talk, and rationalise my thoughts logically. ( The police did not know, if they did, they would not care anyway ).

I realised that although I had acid in me, it was the thoughts I was having and my outlook that made it such a pleasant day. If I could maintain this I would not need Acid or any drug to do what I have been unable do myself, kids do it naturally, why can’t I?
I just wanted to be free and happy for no reason and full of hope like the kids/teenagers walking by. I am sure they were not on 1P and probably never had or would.

4.5 hours after consuming, I was still smiling under my face mask on the train on the way home at someone talking on the phone, I was smiling because although he was rough in dialogue and appearance, he still had people in his life who there were exchanges of love and care between.

Just like me two hours ago, this guy was just like me, the lady across was just like me. Everyone was just like me.

I had fairly broken sleep that night, woke up crying at some stage and slept very well after that. The following day, I felt very calm, self-accepting, open and thoughtful of others.

For me, at my stage of life, recommended amounts or less are quite sufficient for a deeper perspective without pushing it too far and needing therapy for my therapy.

[Erowid Note: The term "acid" has been used as a common name for d-LSD since the 1960s. Although confusion associated with newer psychoactive substances has lead some people to use the term "acid" to refer to anything LSD-like or anything psychedelic on blotter or sold in drops, we believe this represents an error and not a useful evolution in language.]

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116509
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 44
Published: Aug 3, 2022Views: 507
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1P-LSD (682) : General (1), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), First Times (2), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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