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Discovered That Chewing the Leaves I Got the Same Effects
Citation:   Anon93. "Discovered That Chewing the Leaves I Got the Same Effects: An Experience with Coca (exp116538)". Sep 26, 2022.

  repeated buccal Coca (leaves)
Coca Leaves

I can't specify dosage since I wouldn't weigh the leaves before chewing them, I can say I would buy them in 250g bags and they would last me around 10 days, chewing every other day
I would buy them in 250g bags and they would last me around 10 days, chewing every other day

I would describe the effects as wakeful bliss, chewing on the leave with a little bit of baking soda is extremely relaxing but at the same time will remove any sense of sleepiness I might have.

I have to say, binging can be a problem, as the effect of the leaves wears off (mainly the numbing effect on the gums fades away) I might be overwhelmed with anxiety to redose and chew more leaves, this feeling is not as severe as refined cocaine but is something to keep in mind.

If I stop or run out of leaves, I'll feel some anxiety for a little while until it wears off leaving a nice after glow which might last up to 2 hours (or more). The main difference with refined cocaine is that there is no come down, anxiety and depression symptoms are there, but they are mild and last just a little while. Ssleeping after chewing on coca leaves can be difficult (due to the stimulating effects) but laying in bed can feel soothing until one falls asleep which is quite the opposite to refined cocaine which can make one feel anxious or even depressed

Long time chewing on coca leaves mainly affects the teeth, the baking soda used to activate it can destroy the tooth enamel so after a while cavities start to show up.

Personally, coming from Argentina (which is near coca plantations in Peru and Bolivia) I discovered that chewing coca leaves I got the same effects (without comedown) that I get snorting "pure" cocaine so I dropped that. The leaves are not cut with any harmful chemicals.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116538
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 26, 2022Views: 595
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