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Woke Up With A Log-Splitter Of A Migraine
by Barb
Citation:   Barb. "Woke Up With A Log-Splitter Of A Migraine: An Experience with Trazodone (exp116539)". Aug 2, 2022.

T+ 0:00
10 mg oral Amphetamines (daily)
  T+ 0:00 60 mg oral Pharms - Propranolol (daily)
  T+ 0:00 150 mg oral Pharms - Trazodone  
  T+ 3:00   insufflated Sumatriptan (liquid)
  T+ 3:00 25 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:00 500 mg oral Acetaminophen (pill / tablet)
I am prescribed 10mg of Adderal XR and 60mg of Propanolol XR, both taken in the morning. Neither of my prescribed medicines have caused me any problems thus far. I am 180 pounds and average height, so I have a bit of a fat belly that might alter how chemicals interact and metabolize with my body.

A summary of the below report:
- 150 mg of trazodone caused what was likely an allergic reaction
- Approximately 3 hours of poor quality sleep interrupted by an absolutely debilitating migraine
- Ambient "brain soreness" throughout the day after taking the substance and the night of writing this.
- I've learned to be cautious, if not outright abstinent, towards any sort of drug prescribed as an antidepressant. They are pharmacokinetic train wrecks.

Should note that I've taken trazodone before only a handful of times, a friend of mine gave me probably three of hers to help me knock out and I fell asleep without incident every time. Those first couple times I took it, I fell asleep almost instantly, like a zookeeper had shot me with a tranquilizer dart out in the bush.

I did not have a remotely good experience this time. My dog was prescribed trazodone to help with thunder anxiety attacks a few nights ago since a pretty gnarly stormfront was moving down the coast and through my state. This is not the old internet trope where I talk about myself or someone else under the pseudonym "my dog", these were just regular trazodone 100mg tabs prescribed by a veterinarian for animal use.

I figured this was a substance I was at least slightly familiar with, and it was a sedative (Can't really sleep without downers), and it was likely to be better for me than the benadryl and doxylamine I usually use to KO myself. This was a fault in my judgement. I took a pill and a half in one go, totalling 150mg of trazodone, and I sat down in my chair and played videogames until I felt sleepy enough to knock out.

I at no point felt sleepiness to the point of passing out, like I'd have preferred. I stayed in a sort of mental twilight zone, not totally awake but unable to just fall asleep. This chemical caused noticeable restlessness in my legs. I certainly was tired and had that mental feebleness associated with sedatives, but I managed to write in my journal regardless.

At some point I fell asleep. Only 3 or so hours of some of the most terrible sleep any chemical has ever graced me with, I wake up with the worst migraine of my 25 year life. I am yowling like an injured cat, I am writhing around in bed and it feels like someone is trying to pry my skull open with a shovel. I was legitimately worried that I was going to have a brain bleed and die in this fucking bed. I have a migraine disorder but nowadays only suffer one every couple months, and this trazodone-induced migraine put any and all headaches I can remember to shame. I shamble to my mother and she gives me a sumatriptan intranasal spray, a glass of water, an ice pack and a prayer.

This presents two problems: One, my nose is too stuffed up to accept the medicine, and two, sumatriptan and trazodone are two serotonergic medicines that can cause serotonin syndrome in conjunction with each other. Thankfully, I suffer no ill effect from their combination and my heart rate stays normal. I take a single tylenol PM and writhe around in bed until I sleep.

Today, as of writing this report, I have a noticeable hangover from the trazodone. The crown of my head feels tender and I feel like I could have another actual headache any minute. My eyes are sore. My sinuses are thankfully clear. My actual, legally prescribed meds got my head straight upon them kicking in and I had a relatively productive day of playing guitar with my friend.

I would not recommend using trazodone to knock yourself out. I looked it up today. The idea that a veterinarian prescribed it to my dog because he's scared of thunder still seems patently ridiculous. The fact that I stole a pill from the bottle and felt like I was going to die from it seems like a fitting punishment for me doing absolutely zero research.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116539
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Aug 2, 2022Views: 480
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Pharms - Trazodone (294) : Alone (16), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Difficult Experiences (5)

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