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Do It Like Dogs Do
Citation:   CyberCanine. "Do It Like Dogs Do: An Experience with 5-MeO-MALT (exp116541)". Aug 1, 2022.

10 mg insufflated 5-MeO-MALT (powder / crystals)
T-5: Having both done 5-MeO-MALT (Malt) already, my (26MtF) girlfriend (20MtF) wanted to see what being intimate on this substance was. All sober talks of consent were had before dosing, and we had a dear friend tripsit our wild experience. I decided to put a butt plug in before dosing just to make it that much hotter.

T=0: We both dosed at about the same time, insufflating 10mg each. At first it burned my nose, though not as bad as ketamine. A bitter stinging stuck to the inside of my nose for about 5 minutes during the come-up, but it became unnoticeable once I hit my peak.

T+5m: The come-up involves a lot of drool. Another girlfriend of mine refers to it as "pubby" because of the stream of slobber and the way it inhibits thought to the level of an animal. I had a towel prepared for both of us, which we pretty much saturated.
At the same time as the drool began, I noticed the persistent pain in my leg was imperceptible, as was the stinging in my nose. I’ve had this happen on other substances like LSD and shrooms, but this was something else. The concept of the pain didn’t even register, and I had to be careful not to move in ways that would leave me sore the next day.
The concept of the pain didn’t even register, and I had to be careful not to move in ways that would leave me sore the next day.

Realizing how sensitive my body was getting and how little pain was bothering me, I asked my girlfriend to start by spanking my ass with a leash we keep around. We’re both furries in a switchy BDSM relationship, so that kind of thing is always around. Each slap I was asking her for more, getting more and more erect. I could feel the strikes radiating out from my ass like bright flashes of beautiful colors in my mind.

T+10m: My thoughts were noticeably scattered. It was difficult to conceptualize more than one thing at a time, like my ideas and worries were turning to sand and running out through my fingers. I asked my girlfriend to stop with the leash-slapping so we could just enjoy each-other’s warmth and drool into the towel. Our hands wandered while we slobbered like dogs, and the only ideas my head could hold onto were of how lovely she was.

Once the drool was under control, the real fun began. I started by rimming her, and the synesthesia was such that I felt as though I could see the contours of her hole as my tongue danced around.

T+15: I got all lubed up and slid in. She remarked where she would normally have asked me to slow down from the pain of entry, she had no such sensation this time and was eager for me to get to business. I folded her in half and took her in a Mating Press position first, my lips all over her face and nose in her hair as I went, experiencing things in an entirely sensory way. There was nowhere for my mind to wander, as it was on too short a leash to conceptualize more than the immediate task at hand. This went on for about an hour, with a few position changes involved along the way. Every now and then I would turn to make sure our tripsitter was having a good time, and each time I looked back she was just grinning ear to ear for the chance to watch us go at it this hard. There were a few times where we’d have to call our soft-safeword of “Yellow” so that we could remember to drink some water or change position, but we’d go right back at it once we were alright. Of course we had to spend a long time in doggy-style too, even just for the novelty of doing so on the “pubby drug”.

T+1h: (This part gets kind of gross so if you don’t like vomit, skip this paragraph.) My Girlfriend took a too-big gulp of water and called out that she needed to throw up. Our tripsitter was quick to get her a bag, and she wretched some phlegm, but nothing major. Remembering that we’re both emetophiles, I got the idea to encourage her to throw up on my dick. I checked in to make sure that was okay once her head was around my penis, and she just nodded and took me in deeper. I could feel the back of her throat, and soon enough feel drool pouring down around my lap. After a minute or so of this, she full-on threw up, and I could feel the chunks around my balls. It was the hottest thing ever, and I didn’t care that she just got Hot Pocket all over our (thankfully waterproof) sheets.

T+1h15m: After a bit with the vibrator each, we decided to get ourselves and our bed cleaned up. We were already starting to come down at this point, and were confident we could handle a shower. I gave her one last quick rimjob over the bathroom counter before we hopped in together. She was briefly triggered by some bathtub-related PTSD, but was able to quickly ground out of it with my help.

T+1h25m: My girlfriend told me I owed her some food considering I caused her to throw up her dinner, and I ordered some curry the three of us split. I was functionally sober by the time the food got there, and was able to sleep fine afterwards.

Overall: Probably the best sex of my life, even with the weird vomit-kink stuff. I lost track of how many orgasms I’d had around 14, hell I’m pretty sure I had two just giving a rimjob. I would go on record as saying this stuff is a POWERFUL aphrodisiac when used in the right mindset.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116541
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Aug 1, 2022Views: 1,234
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5-MeO-MALT (883) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Sex Discussion (14), General (1)

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