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Changed My Life
Citation:   Jason E.. "Changed My Life: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp116602)". Sep 27, 2022.

325 mg oral Diphenhydramine  
  25 mg insufflated Diphenhydramine (ground / crushed)
Benadryl Changed My Life

Why did I do benadryl?

For me? Pure, legitimate curiosity. Antihistamines seem to calm me down immensely (and there seems to be a link between autism and antihistamines, I highly suspect I'm autistic). My overall experience was... complete calmness and lucidity, despite being delirious to an outsider.

My wall started to melt into spiders, and the hatman was walking along the wall in 2D. But, it wasn't scary - it was pleasant. Shortly after, I began to hear a great orchestra play for what felt like eternity, as if God himself was speaking to me.

All my attempts to communicate on my end made sense; however, when I actually looked at what was on my display afterwards, it was gibberish. If I tried to backspace and retype, I would produce the same gibberish. Every time I backspaced and tried to write my messages, my temporal lobe short-circuited, I blacked out, and basically slammed my keyboard. Except, from my view, I had merely gently pressed the one key I wanted... and got 10+ characters appearing on my screen.

It was incredibly confusing, and I was wondering if my keyboard was broken at the time.

I also had some open-eye visuals and closed-eye visuals. When I went into my bathroom to take a leak, there was... a latino man giving me the middle finger in my bathtub. When I closed my eyes, I was in a hellscape of pillars, akin to Lelouch's father's place in Code Geass.

After taking this substance, I... am also no longer depressed and feel as though my empathy has been shot up to 11.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116602
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Sep 27, 2022Views: 530
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Diphenhydramine (109) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Alone (16)

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