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Three Sessions Over Three Days
Citation:   Kevine. "Three Sessions Over Three Days: An Experience with Xenon (exp116634)". Sep 17, 2022.

  inhaled Xenon (gas)
Xenon Gas Therapy

I did three sessions of xenon over three days under a Doctor's Supervision. Each session takes 25 minutes under the gas with a solid 15 minutes of high peak. The sessions was in Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic.

Once I started to breath in the gas my whole body started to tingle and I was overwhelmed with pure euphoria. I didn't want this to end I have never felt so good in life. While under the gas there isn't a psychedelic effects more of overall tingling and bliss. Once the session was over I had a small juice drink and was off to do sightseeing. There was no odor or taste and no lingering after effects just total happiness.

The second and third session I consumed higher quantities of the gas as I wanted more!! I controlled my breathing to inhale the most gas possible. What a feeling!!

The cost for the first session was around $150 US. The second around 175 and third 200.

To this date I just feel better. Happier, less headaches and overall look forward to doing again especially feeling very secure with a Doctor monitoring the whole session. My wife enjoyed it just like me.

[Reported Dose: "25-32 percent"]

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116634
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 50
Published: Sep 17, 2022Views: 1,716
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Xenon (220) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Therapeutic Session / Clinic (55)

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