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Gone With the Wind
Citation:   minds eye. "Gone With the Wind: An Experience with Cannabis (exp11664)". Sep 25, 2020.

9 hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)
We always forget that weed can make you trip()()()()--

I spent thirty dollars on an eighth.

Over the coarse of one hour (maybe a little longer) I smoked nine bowl packs by myself. I eventually tripped, and didn't expect it I know it sounds funny but the pattern went like this...

1'st bowlpack- I just had a regular buzz, it felt cloudy and happy.

2nd bowlpack- The same as the first one but just more.

3rd bowlpack- Totally baked. I felt as if everything was impossible and I thought everything was funny.

4th bowlpack- Gone with the wind totally stoned couldn't have possibly been more stoned...but then...

5th bowlpack- Slight hallucinagenary proportions, felt like I was on a knockout anesthetic (demoral, morphine) and mushrooms at the same time but it was just weed!

6th bowlpack- I had to sit behind a building I had no idea where I was I was basically in a weed coma. I kept hearing sirens and thought the police were coming- but they weren't.

7th bowlpack- it had been ten minutes since my last one, but felt like an hour, I was starting to have slight visual hallucinations, I saw murky figures and was cracking up.

8th bowlpack- I was basically tripping, I was seeing shapes but no colors and hearing doomy and ambient piano sounds and was paranoid and practically incoherent.

9th bowlpack- Now I was tripping . I don't care what anyone says I was tripping my body was probably saturated with THC or at least it felt like it, my mouth was burning dry but I liked it. My eyes were itchy dry and red, everything was a stupor and enlightened blur, I felt like I was drunk and on acid and mushrooms and weed and everything I couldn't talk.

THE AFTERMATH- the next day I woke up at my house, I don't remember going there, I went into town with only a gram of weed I saw some people who said they saw me and they thought I was on crack they said I was running from sticks and talking to trees.

This proves that the guy who claimed THC (tetra hydra cannibinol) the active ingredient in weed is a slight hallucinogen and when taken in high doses causes modified hallucinations.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11664
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 25, 2020Views: 590
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Cannabis (1) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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